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Comment Re:Title: NASA Has Discovered an Earth-Sized World (Score 1) 59

The system can very well have multiple planets, but have only a single planet within the habitable zone. The zone does not exist as the entire radial distance from the host sun, but as a ring. For example, Mercury would not be in our habitable zone. It is far too hot to sustain life. A solar system could theoretically have 5 planets around a sun as relatively close and hot as Mercury, and then a single planet much farther away within the habitable zone. This description also leaves open the possibility of other planets further out that haven't been discovered yet either inside or outside the habitable ring. ...measures 20 larger than Earth...

Yeah, that part is junk.

Comment Re:Second hand where? (Score 3, Insightful) 95

Exactly, send the items to other locations across the globe where they can be donated or bought/sold cheaply in a market where they aren't usually available.

I think people return items due to buyers remorse, stupidity (they didn't know what they needed or didn't realize what they were buying), financial hardship, etc. I'm sure in some cases the items are actually defective, or the wrong item was sent at the fault of the retailer/fulfillment warehouse.

Sort of related:
Bought a graphics card a while back, and what was shipped to me was some asshole's 5th gen old card. Apparently he'd kept the newer card and shoved his old ass card in the box before claiming he'd returned it. FUCKER! In this case it was not sent to a landfill, nor did any competent person bother to check if the product sent back matched the fucking picture on the box before they tried to sell it again to me. On top of being shafted with the original shipment, I had to spend my time and an extra $1 to have that shit sent back and a new card ordered. At least I got a refund on the card. But that was wasted shipping expense and materials due to some asshole consumer's selfishness and retail dumb-fuckery.

Comment Re:Want to see something curious? Check Prop 65 (Score 1) 72

I'm guessing so if it contains particle board adhesives off-gassing formaldehyde or other VOCCs. All cheap furniture bears this warning. But the only person to see the warning might be the person constructing / unboxing the phone booth or reading an instruction manual.

Same issue with linoleum floors. I remember a few years ago hearing that some cheap linoleum fake wood floor panels were being tested and determined to be off-gassing higher than safely allowable levels of formaldehyde.

Glad I don't live there...Only causes cancer in the state of California, right? :D

Comment Re:Has history forgotten old Twitter farts? (Score 1) 63

Um, doesn't anyone remember Twitter before smart phones?

Yes, we used dumb phones to send tweets, hence the 140 character limit. (20 chars for the handle (aka username)).

Thus we all used our phone numbers. Sheesh.

But we weren't texting marketers and requesting they text us back or share our personal information with their buddies.

Comment Re:how about (Score 1) 77

Fencing instructions sound like a hassle as you stated from a development perspective. I could easily see lazy developers or greedy corporations cutting corners and not using it when they should.

That said, I could also see government entities wanting to build a whole new type of speculative execution fencing instruction backdoor...YAY!

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