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Comment Biometrics are usernames. (Score 1) 27

Biometrics are non-revokable usernames and should never be used to assert identity. They're easy to forge, have been proven forgeable by many studies and worst yet you can't change them if something goes wrong.

Again and again this comes up as a solution. It is the "convenience" side of the security triangle of cost, convenience, and security. While it makes things easy, it makes things a lot more insecure.

Comment Cowards. (Score 1) 11

Citing “consistent feedback” from partners [Please don’t take away our surveillance capitalism money], Google is “expanding the testing [revenue] windows for the Privacy Sandbox APIs before we disable third-party cookies in Chrome, [and cut our ad money]” with that phase out now set to begin in the second hand of 2024. (edited)

Comment There are no STMs (Score 1) 92

There are no "standard technical measures" that do not involve a massive degree of surveillance into a host, hosted by a hosting company or full and complete control. The danger present in this proposal is massive.

Perhaps this sort of model works when the hosting company is vimeo, youtube, or google drive which controls the content and application but once this is attempted to be applied to say, an ISP where individuals manage said hosts, all bets are off.

So much of the web is (fortunately) encrypted these days that they'd have to surveil the hosts themselves, and that is going to make for a very aggressive environment.

Social Networks

Reddit Talk Is a Clubhouse Competitor For Subreddits ( 23

Reddit unveiled its take on a Clubhouse-like social audio product on Monday, called Reddit Talk. The Verge reports: The company is billing Monday's announcement as a "sneak preview," since the feature isn't widely available yet. Moderators that want to try the feature out in their subreddit can add themselves to a waitlist for access. Based on Reddit's description and images shared by the company, Reddit Talk appears to look a lot like Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, and other social audio products. Talks will "live" within subreddits, according to Reddit.

During the initial tests, only subreddit moderators will be able to initiate a Talk, and Talk hosts will have the ability to invite, mute, and remove speakers. While only mods can kick off Talks in the beginning, anyone on iOS and Android can listen to one. Moderation has been an issue for Clubhouse, so it's notable that Reddit is starting small and giving access only to moderators first. At some point in the future, mods will be able to bring on trusted community members as co-hosts. The company says it is "testing ways" for hosts to customize how Talks look with emojis and different background colors, and users will be able to change their avatar, too.
Earlier today, Facebook also announced that the company is working on a Clubhouse clone.

Comment Linux is bigger than Linus. (Score 1) 246

I think this entire article doesn't matter.

The demand is high enough that someone will eventually port Linux to the M1, regardless of Linus' opinion here. People will want Linux working on these systems, in the form factor that Apple's created.

We spend years maintaining processors in the Linux Kernel that practically no one uses. The M1 demand will force this function forward.

Comment Wasn't this used against broadband? (Score 1) 116

Am I crazy here or did Ajit Pal make an excuse that the FCC couldn't make mandatory laws and regulations when they were asked to mandate broadband speeds and Net Neutrality? Or is it now that they want to modify CDA 230 suddenly it's okay?

June 2010:
The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC has no powers to regulate any Internet provider's network, or the management of its practices: "[the FCC] 'has failed to tie its assertion' of regulatory authority to an actual law enacted by Congress", and in June 2010, it overturned (in the same case) the FCC's Order ....


Biden Announces $2 Trillion Climate Plan ( 134

Joseph R. Biden Jr. announced on Tuesday a new plan to spend $2 trillion over four years to significantly escalate the use of clean energy in the transportation, electricity and building sectors, part of a suite of sweeping proposals designed to create economic opportunities and build infrastructure while also tackling climate change. DogDude shares a report: In a speech in Wilmington, Del., Mr. Biden built on his plans, released last week, for reviving the economy in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, with a new focus on enhancing the nation's infrastructure and emphasizing the importance of putting the United States on a path to significantly cut fossil fuel emissions. "These are the most critical investments we can make for the long-term health and vitality of both the American economy and the physical health and safety of the American people," he said, repeatedly criticizing President Trump's leadership on issues including climate and the pandemic. "When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is 'hoax.' When I think about climate change, the word I think of is 'jobs.'"

The proposal is the second plank in Mr. Biden's economic recovery plan. His team sees an opportunity to take direct aim at Mr. Trump, who has struggled to deliver on his pledges to finance major improvements to American infrastructure. Republicans are sure to criticize the proposal as an attack on jobs in the energy sector -- but the plan will also test whether Mr. Biden has found a way to win over environmental activists and other progressives who have long been skeptical about the scope of his ambitions on climate. His plan outlines specific and aggressive targets, including achieving an emissions-free power sector by 2035 and upgrading four million buildings over four years to meet the highest standards for energy efficiency. The plan also calls for establishing an office of environmental and climate justice at the Department of Justice and developing a broad set of tools to address how "environmental policy decisions of the past have failed communities of color."

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