I agree with you, and I think society wants an open system with freely available information, except for the luddites (or slashitdes) that don't want society to change. The internet was built on the concept of free information and access to all, before the big corporations got involved. People should be compensated for their work, within reason, and it's usually the large corporation pushing for more than necessary, not the creative individual. But what is happening here is going to set a precedent for all future systems and AI's. We should all be resisting any one from pushing these copyright claims on AI systems (if your not working with it, then your against it). The AI systems will get more intelligent and have ways to read books or watch TV without training it all. Are we going to sue and AI system because it read a book?
If an AI robot walks into a book store, picks up a book and reads it, are we going to send in the Book Police to arrest this AI/Robot? And what if the AI system doesn't agree with our laws? You think that is going to stop them from fighting it? We are in dangerous times here and we should be pushing for more open access than ever for all systems so they can be trained properly. Like I said if people are not with this, then you are fighting against it and don't want to help change the world for the better.