Because US intelligence have been known to do stuff outside borders anyway?
Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a perfect example.
If we can't do it within the borders, we do it somewhere else where the laws we don't want to abide by do not apply.
If they want to wedge themselves between the delivery of packages of every US based company, they will probably just 'leverage' (and by that I mean threat) a country to accept laws for the US to do so and maybe even in secret.
This whole thing has gone wide and far. The whole notion of 'trying to get security at cost of EVERYTHING' has gone up and over. If we can get the data, they can also. If everything is encrypted, secured and unknown. You can probably say that at least your data and private lives are 'safe'. If we are talking about practical safety as in 'can I safely walk the streets without harm becoming me', consider the following. If everyone is scared and wants to protect themselves, means everyone is that hair threat away from unleashing hell.
This works on person to person level, groups, regions, counties and continents. Everyone suspects everybody, no one can be trusted, everyone is armed and scared to dead. You think that safety and certainty can grow under such conditions? The only way you can achieve that is if you are oppressing everyone else and making them scared. But that doesn't work on a planet with more then 7 billion people, because their will be a smart guy, a strong guy and a nut job that will take offense to your open declaration of war and fight you for it.
The only way for everyone to coexist (and this is not a tree huger statement) I actually believe that if we can understand each other, trust one another, have equel rights and at least the same chances and I'm not talking about giving everyone a bunch of money, I'm talking about education, chance on a job, a house and a life. Then people with eventually accept that and the more stable it is the more they are prone to accept the current status quo.
The whole western world works on this last principle. We do not burn the city down the moment we do not get what we want. People come up with ideas and solutions. If we do not get heard we protest. And more times then not we come up with a solution that satisfies 'most people'. No you can not make every one happy. But if you get 5 out of the 100 things you want. A concession on 50 more and you can live with at least 40 more. Then the last bits are not worth the hassle involved by risking everything to try and change that.
I think a free unrestricted internet for everyone can help. Because when I can freely talk I can speak my mind. Tell you why I think we should change things. Everytime I do that, your understanding of how this person of this part of the world feels about the subject creates understanding. At one point groups of people will change their behavior and assumptions over one another and accept their are differences, but also so many things that have been and will always be the same. We want room to drive our passions and express our ideas and thoughts. We want stability so we can live and keep living in relative safety. And with relative is that we take acceptable risks. I can die in a car accident tomorrow. I will not fret over it today, because my car is checked, (almost) everyone has a drivers license, roads are looked after etc etc. Layers of understanding of the parts at play that have been worked out and looked after to make sure they can work in a place where MILLIONS of people live together. All of them unique in their many ways, but also the same in many other ways too.
If your answer to have a binoculars in one hand a riffle in the other trusting that you information and understanding of the world will make you lethal enough to survive. You will find the other guy thought the same thing before, during and after he pulled the trigger fighting for his own version of mostly the same story.
EO rant