Journal Journal: empathy and apathy
i'm a muslim. i live in a country with 100% muslim citizens. and i've been stigmatized. why? because i'm a muslim. because some fanatics ( btw which religion in the world doesn't have any of those ) killed 6000 americans. and now we, those who live in a much more open world has to face the burdens of being categorized with fanatics. there was some laughable news today that CIA has identified terrorist bases inside our country. to my knowledge only two bases occupy our country and those belong to our military. and the nearest military base except those is an american base on an island formerly belonging to our country. and i hate this whole thing. because i don't share my views either with the americans or with the afghans. the americans, especially those right wing republicans are just hyping it all up to gain popularity. and the afghans have their own propaganda machines to drive this whole thing to the edge. i don't want anybody to die. i dont' want children to starve. i don't want women to live in deprived lives. i want freedom and both of these "factions" take them away from me. right now i won't be able to go to any western country without getting fucked up at the immigration.
who understands me ? who wants to understand me ?