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Comment Re:How about Android apps ? (Score 2) 179

There is an app called LBE security (or something simmilar, search for LBE), where you can give/take away permissions, and you can have the app prompt for some permissions ona per-use basis.

So, if angry birds wants location info, you get a pop-up, choose Don't allow (because it doesnt need it), mark 'remember', and continue playing.

The bigger question is, what data does the aplication itself send around, since it requires a rooted phone.

Comment Re:Engineering Errors (Score 1) 215


Have a scaled-down copy of the production network in a lab, with all the same settings (like VTP domain etc.), test weird things (like it's normally done in a lab enviroment), and get the rev. number up high.

Then some piece of production equipment fails, (let's say a switch), and why not take one (basically the same one) from the lab? The lab can wait for the replacement, production usually can not. Then plug the switch to the production network, and puff, there go the vlans!

Comment Re:RouterStation Pro (Score 1) 344

Yes you can(*)(**) :)

*You can use quagga and it will work as a BGP router, if your (private) network uses BGP.
**If you want to use it as a core router: that's why I wrote "pretty much" before "anything"... But still, you can connect it as a core router... it would be interesting to see how long will it stay online, and how many routes can it recieve before it crashes :)

Comment Re:Any Application they want to? (Score 1) 267

They don't have standing, as they do not hold any copyrights over that code

Why would they need it? If you go to the shop and buy, for example, a media/dvd/etc. player, which uses GPL code, you're entitled to get the source to the program. If the company doesnt give you the source, you could sue. Or can anyone prove me otherwise?

Comment Re:It's the little things that impress (Score 1, Interesting) 68

If we study really small currents, and develop the technology around it, and bring the "normal" currents (~mA) down (to ~uA), a battery that today lasts 1 day (smartphone under heavy use), will last a 1000 times more (3 years).

Of course, this is true for logical circuits, etc... power used for example for (back)lightning can be brought down only by some level (not even close to uA), where we get close to 100% power->light output.

Comment Re:Read Tesla & Heaviside from 100 years ago (Score 1) 243

Google for "tesla energy transfer atmosphere" or "tesla atmosphere energy" (he said he knew how to collect energy from the atmosphere, and how to transfer it through it.... of course noone listenede, noone believed, and noone wanted to sponsor it.... and of course: "if there are no wires, where are you going to put the elecitrc counters?")

fist link i found and there are more

Comment Owner bricking & selling process (Score 1) 250

Reading the comments, I saw two problems:
1: who can brick it
2: is it really stolen or just sold?

The best solution would be to track ownership online, and that every owner can (temporarily) brick and unbrick his device whenever he wants.
The second problem is dealing with reselling... This could be solved by using a two-part code. The seller would get a "sellers code" from amazon (apple,...), which he would give to the buyer at the time of selling (or even post it on the ebay page). The buyer would have to register the device in his name (as he has to do now), but the device wouldn't work without the sellers code. After the registration and entering the code, the new owner (only him) could un/brick the device whenever he wanted.

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