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Comment Best advice... (Score 1) 564

First have her to talk to people that do some of the possible jobs in real life. I had good math skills and I was set that I was going to do computing when I was 10, it turned out that after talking to a few people about it, it was not what I thought it was. Eventually, I became a scientist and I'm very happy with it.

The same happens in the other direction, her idea of science and engineering might not be in touch with reality. Have her talk to some people that actually do science. Give her role models, women in science and engineering would go a long way on removing the image that everything is nerdy about it.

Next, the best advice I received when I was in high school came from my uncle. Take a major in a field that is wide enough that you can choose later what your career path is going to look like. If she is good she'll continue on to grad school and specialize in whatever she likes once she is more mature to make such a decision.

Finally, forget MIT she'll be miserable, if she hates a nerd environment it's like sending her to hell. Consider other options, Harvard for instance has a more normal (read not nerdy) group of students still excellent at what they do including science. A more rounded education will serve her well, as long as she does not give up on the skills she does have. A good university will provide internship opportunities in a wide range of things where she can try things out.

At the end of the day, all you can do is advise, it'll be her decision.

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