Comment Re:Priorities (Score 2, Insightful) 219
They don't have to choose, it's a totalitarian country.
They don't have to choose, it's a totalitarian country.
...are taking notes right now. They'd love to do this, and have been openly trying for a looong time.
No it isn't, stop being dismissive just because you don't want to participate.
By letting the carriers fuck up Android and completely take it over, and then playing the "it wouldn't be open if we told the carriers what to do with our software" card while users are left with locked and crippled phones that can't be upgraded without hacking or waiting for the carriers to care (they don't).
Yea they got their foot in the door, then flung it open and knocked over all their users.
I trust Google more than AT&T by far.
I doubt this is going to be a repeat of Windows, where a combination of massive marketshare and blatant negligence on the part of Microsoft led to an epidemic of worms.
But, there's also a very real threat, even on systems like iOS where users and even Apple assume that they have control of the platform, hackers prove them wrong constantly.
For instance a month or 2 back, jailbreakers were able to just visit a website through mobile safari and execute one exploit after another to compromise the entire system and install unapproved software like Cydia. That's a rare alignment of exploits, but who can really say it won't happen again via a malicious attacker?
That doesn't appear matter at the moment, so unless the law changes..
They have chat logs implicating Assange in aiding Bradley Manning with submitting the documents. The law is pretty clear about these things. We'll just have to wait for his trial.
That isn't the same thing as assisting someone in stealing classified information.
I'm an iOS *and* Android developer. I don't write applications in html, i use Objective-C and Java, and I agree with what the OP said.
Too much ankle? That's a bannin'
2 buttons instead of 3 on that blouse? You better believe that's a bannin'
Not once in the history of the internet have i heard that phrase used in conjunction with some proposal that would ACTUALLY protect children.
This is the first step to making the internet a whitelist. You don't think its possible to block all porn, but they'll try, and the first thing to do will be to block anything that isn't proven NOT to be porn.
after all they pulled kids off missing children cases so they can go after IP issues.
They were using kids to investigate missing child cases? Is this why nothing ever gets done in government?
Why does this have to be IN the processor? Intel needs to calm down with the paranoid shit and just make processors.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.