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User Journal

Journal Journal: Dunno if anyone ever reads this

My wager is that nobody at all reads this journal, so I might as well just link you to my website: link. Yeah, it's not too great, but it has my games on it, so I'm pleased.

If anyone reads this and is also an indie game developer, lemme know and I'll pop you on my friends list.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Progress update

Since I knocked the CD tray off my computer a few months back (in my last entry) I snapped it back in and then continued to write games. I've produced rudimentary RPG engines for compsci courses (CSRPG) as well as some fun arcade clones with completely retarded AI (Muffins).

So... I like games. Writing them, mostly, although I still play Alien Breed and SDL Sopwith. Soon I'll put out CSRPG2, which is a much improved version of CSRPG (with lots more stuff, actual gameplay and polish). I hope one day to reach decent 16-bit console game standards.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ka-pwing!

I just nailed the CD tray off of my drive with my knee. Good thing it snapped right back in. I miss caddies.

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