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O noes!  *Tuesday December 24, 2013 @03:51PM 1 2
   attached to Is the World Ready For Facial Recognition On Google Glass?
This will end well...  *Wednesday November 13, 2013 @01:44PM 1 2
   attached to A Makerbot In Every Classroom
Re:Obligatory Steve Jobs quote  *Monday September 30, 2013 @04:06PM 1 3
   attached to Apple Now the World's Most Valuable Brand, Knocks Off Coca-Cola
Internet vectored infection!  *Saturday September 28, 2013 @06:58PM  2
   attached to Why iOS 7 Is Making Some Users Feel 'Sick'
More fingerprints in the Real World...  *Sunday September 15, 2013 @04:19PM 1 2
   attached to German Data Protection Expert Warns Against Using iPhone5S Fingerprint Function
Something misssing...  *Sunday September 08, 2013 @05:40PM  2
   attached to Unboxing Boston Dynamics' DARPA-Ready Atlas Robot
Bonus!  *Saturday August 31, 2013 @03:20PM 1 2
   attached to Will Robots Replace Rent-a-Cops?
Re:Or...  *Friday August 30, 2013 @02:53PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to The Golden Gate Barrage: New Ideas To Counter Sea Level Rise
Re:total stupidity  *Friday August 09, 2013 @05:11PM  2
   attached to NSA Firing 90% of Its Sysadmins
Teardown comparison of fake, real Apple chargers  *Thursday July 25, 2013 @02:26PM  3
   attached to After a User Dies, Apple Warns Against Counterfeit Chargers
Bah. False positives...  *Thursday July 25, 2013 @08:55PM  2
   attached to My NSA-induced paranoia level:
Re:3rd Gen Valley Native here  *Saturday June 29, 2013 @09:15PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to How Silicon Valley's Tech Reign Will End
Nothing to see here. Move along... move along...  *Friday June 28, 2013 @05:28PM  2
   attached to Immigration Bill Passes the Senate, Includes More H-1B Visas
Re:Weekly stack ranking!  *Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:34PM  2
Weekly stack ranking!  *Wednesday July 25, 2012 @03:32PM 1 2
   attached to OS X Mountain Lion Review
Re:Antitrust?  *Friday January 27, 2012 @08:55PM  2
   attached to Judge Denies Dismissal of No-Poach Conspiracy Case
Re:No Assembler?  *Monday September 05, 2011 @12:22AM  2
   attached to What Is the Most Influential Programming Book?
Re:make full time 32 hours a week  *Saturday August 13, 2011 @03:44PM  2
   attached to US Pumps $175M Into Advanced Auto Fuel Research
Re:Fuel Tax Works Fine  *Thursday May 05, 2011 @06:32PM  2
   attached to Draft Proposal Would Create Agency To Tax Cars By the Mile
Hazards of P=NP  *Wednesday May 04, 2011 @09:20PM  2
   attached to Forty Years of P=NP?
Re:OMG big brother...  *Tuesday April 26, 2011 @04:21PM  2
   attached to iPhone Tracking Ruckus Ongoing
++curmudgeon;  *Saturday March 26, 2011 @05:54PM  5, Funny
   attached to ISO C++ Committee Approves C++0x Final Draft
Yes! Faster bubble sorts!  *Saturday December 25, 2010 @02:35AM  2
   attached to Progress In Algorithms Beats Moore's Law
Handy for use with screen readers  *Monday June 14, 2010 @03:01PM  4, Interesting
   attached to The Safari Reader Arms Race

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