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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Cool! they link up!  *Monday June 21, 1999 @11:48AM  1
   attached to Micro-robots unveiled
Hal 9000  *Thursday June 03, 1999 @07:20AM  1
   attached to The Power Of Deep Computing
Re:Weird Al? not even close  *Thursday May 27, 1999 @09:24AM  1
   attached to A Quivering Mass of Star Wars
anti-politition is closer to a cultural bias  *Wednesday May 19, 1999 @08:42AM  1
   attached to Escrow rejected by UK Select Comittee
high school or hell school  *Monday April 26, 1999 @02:32PM  1
   attached to Voices From The Hellmouth
It will make me sick I'm sure :( --- mabye not  *Thursday April 22, 1999 @12:30PM  1
eye sight  *Thursday April 22, 1999 @12:23PM  1
wait a little bit  *Thursday April 22, 1999 @12:15PM  1
   attached to Computer Display Clips Onto Glasses
Multimedia refrigerator?  *Thursday April 22, 1999 @11:52AM  1
   attached to Extreme CPU Cooling
Better watch out!  *Tuesday April 20, 1999 @03:54PM  1
time to invest in canned food and ahotgun shells  *Tuesday April 20, 1999 @03:40PM  1
   attached to Yoda Furby
Fundamental Assumptions  *Tuesday April 20, 1999 @10:20AM  1
Life on a moon in that system?  *Friday April 16, 1999 @01:31PM  1
Effects of the discovery of ET life  *Friday April 16, 1999 @09:26AM  1
Fundamental Assumptions  *Friday April 16, 1999 @09:01AM  1
Still no proof of life. but show promise  *Friday April 16, 1999 @08:45AM  1
puny heu-mon  *Thursday April 15, 1999 @04:32PM  1
you think that's something?  *Thursday April 15, 1999 @04:18PM  1
I wish to protest, to the protest  *Thursday April 15, 1999 @04:10PM  1
   attached to First Other Solar System discovered
Fusion may not be the answer, but it is a good lie  *Wednesday April 14, 1999 @09:43AM  1
   attached to Fusion Research Coverage

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
