I have to disagree on a few points from the previous two posts. No offence to your excellent points, but I just don't see it that way.
1. Terrorism is actually a resistance movement? Ok interesting point, but a resistance movement to what? Are they resisting a free society? Rule of Law? Equality? Coming out of the middle ages? The right to be able to post on websites like this about whatever you? What?
2. Self righteousness brought 9/11 down on our heads eh? Well in my opinion we earned the right to be a bit self righteous don't you think? We earned it with blood, sweat, and tears. We earned it by fighting fascism, Socialism, Communism, and asshole-ism, I get sorta ticked off when people come off like we're some kinda of shake and bake society, like we haven't been working on this little problem called democracy for a few hundred years and it's still a work in progress. Sure we may not always get it right, but at least we try and not throw our hands up and suck the balls of the nearest warlord or dictator. Point of fact, the yahoo who threw the shoes at Bush was able to do so because he's not living in a dictatorship any longer. He was arrested, had a trial, and did his time. He wasn't dragged to the basement, had the shit beaten out of him, videotaped confessing his sins, and then shot moments later.
3. The only clever critters I see are the ones who are able to exert their twisted will over those who are weaker than themselves. Those people exist in every society, even the US. Former President Bush did more to subvert the constitution than any president in recent memory. However, he was removed from office not by a violent coup, but by Voters. See in our imperfect self righteous society we can do that. We don't have to worry about disappearing in the middle of the night and waking up in a gulag somewhere.
Putting my soapbox away now, please return to your normal programming.