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Comment Take it Seriously (Score 1) 137

There's a good documentary on Netflix called 'The Social Dilemma' that addresses this very directly. It discusses both the technology and the psychology of social media. It's a really good watch and I plan to have my kids watch it before they start using social media. I got a Computer Science degree 20 years ago, and the issues raised in the documentary are concerns that were being discussed then. Now the technology is so advanced and pervasive that the concerns are being realized. Based on everything I've learned and, anecdotally, everything I've seen, I would say that social media is extremely harmful for kids AND adults. Before anyone blows off the concerns as fearmongering, take some time to consider it then make an informed decision.

Comment Re:Is there any objective evidence that it is unsa (Score 1) 137

There's a good documentary on Netflix called 'The Social Dilemma' that addresses this very directly. It discusses both the technology and the psychology of social media. It's a really good watch and I plan to have my kids watch it before they start using social media. I got a Computer Science degree 20 years ago, and the issues raised in the documentary are concerns that were being discussed then. Now the technology is so advanced and pervasive that the concerns are being realized. Based on everything I've learned and, anecdotally, everything I've seen, I would say that social media is extremely harmful for kids AND adults. Before you blow off the concerns as fearmongering, take some time to consider it then make an informed decision.

Comment Architecture! (Score 1) 186

After almost two decades of experience with different companies on different teams, I feel like the biggest problem with software teams is the lack of focus on the SW architecture. We don't properly define which parts need to be independent, we don't spend the time to well define interfaces between systems, we don't properly break the modules down into parts that are easily tested and maintained. At the end of the day, large-scale software development is hard. Functional programming is great for some problems and domains, but it's not the answer for everything. I really feel that we need to educate people about more than just writing code... they need to understand how to architect SW to be maintainable, testable, and robust.

Comment Re:People think real life is like Monopoly. (Score 1) 162

Wait, why could "I" be responsible for someone or another entities mistake or stupidity?

You ARE NOT responsible for someone else's mistake. When extra money was mistakenly credited to her account she was in no trouble. You ARE responsible for your own mistakes. When she decided to spend the money that she knew wasn't hers, that was HER mistake and will have huge consequences.

Comment He's Not Wrong (Score 1) 402

If anyone actually looked into the details... this law does not prohibit platforms from banning users. This law requires the reasons for banning must be known, and the rules for banning applied fairly and consistently. Unfortunately, social media has so much reach and influence that laws like this are imperative. As much as disinformation is harmful, even more potentially harmful is the loss of freedom of speech, where those running social media have ultimate authority to decide what is 'right' and 'wrong', and what should be heard and what isn't. For those who haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix. It's very eye-opening about the power and potential for abuse that social media has on our society.

Comment Re:Faking fake news? (Score 1) 404

The point isn't to try and discredit CNN with OBVIOUSLY fake news. The point is to try and illustrate the manner in which the media attempts manipulate the minds and opinions of people. They do this in a lot of ways, such as by making an assumption about feelings or motives and presenting it as fact, or by taking an isolated event and presenting it as a pervasive normal kind of occurrence... Whatever your political leanings are, the lesson is sound. Anything in the mainstream media (including the president's tweets), needs to considered critically before we blindly accept the narrative being presented. The 'news' is far too much opinion these days, and not enough facts.

Comment Their Own Fault (Score 1) 312

The movie studios have brought this on themselves. They tried charging insane licensing fees thinking that Netflix couldn't live without them. See how that's working out for them now. The only recourse Netflix had was to start creating its own compelling content. Any business that takes advantage of its customers may reap the rewards short term, but you'll always pay the price in the long term.

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