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Submission + - What kind of laptops are pre-Retina MacBook Pro users buying? (wired.com) 1

stigmato writes: Once upon a time the MacBook Pro line was well-regarded amongst IT professionals for their quality, performance, serviceability & upgradeability. As appealing as the new Retina displays are, I don't want a device I cannot upgrade or repair. Glued in batteries and soldered in RAM with high prices have made me look to other manufacturers again. What are you buying, /. community? System76? Dell? Old article but still rings true with the latest models. I post this from my 2010 MBP 13" with a 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD in the optical bay, 8GB (possibly 16GB soon) and a user replaced battery.

Comment Re:Learn JS and compete with $2/hr developers (Score 2) 152

Get on those sites, and you are competing with 3rd world wages.

But you can work from home, for $2 an hour.

I haven't delved too deeply into this site, but I'll hazard a guess that it's a job board for people who exclusively want to work from home. They're not necessarily trying to outbid each other in an effort to gain a small amount of work. With sites like freelancer.com, on the other hand, developers are offered third world wages for small projects and must compete with other developers to further drive their prices down.


Submission + - Water Vapor Seen on Young Star System

tonganqn writes: "Using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope scientists have discovered huge amounts of water vapor in the young star system, called NGC 1333-IRAS 4B. From the text at Water Vapor Seen on Young Star System, scientists say that "the water vapor is pouring down from the system's natal cloud and smacking into a dusty disk where planets are thought to form". This certaintly is a important step forward in space exploration. We are getting closer to someday find life in other stars systems."

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