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Comment Time spent filling out timesheet (Score 3, Funny) 170

I worked central IT in a State Government job and we had a category in the time tracking system called "Time spent filling out timesheet" .. we were allowed to bill ~4hrs per month to it.

Curiously they didn't have any problem with this .. the beancounters don't seem to care what you waste time on it, so long as it has a label.

Comment vote with your wallet (Score 1) 130

Universities (including the public ones) are a business like any other and are highly sensitive to voting with one's wallet.

At the one I work at we actually go to great lengths *not* to monitor, record, or police what students do beyond what's needed to keep the peace.
we also invite students to bring their game consoles in after major releases so we can fine tune stuff to ensure decent latency.

tl;dr somebody is having power trip there and/or just bought a shiny new piece of oppressionware and checked all the boxes.

Comment Better than nothing? (Score 3, Interesting) 120

So, can I claim this as a victory under the "enemy of my enemy" philosophy?

Of course what goes without mention here is that "high shelf" just means they have to go through the trouble of getting the trial itself declared a matter of national security, meaning they can classify the entire charade (pfft, speedy and public what?).

Comment Re: Speed tests (Score 1) 398

"speed tests" (the consumer oriented public sort, eg: are a joke because Oookla ( encourage the ISPs to run a local copy of it .. and naturally the configuration favors the *most local* one by default .. so unless you're paying attention or use a geek-oriented test (of which there is no shortage, but not quite as easy to use) you are just testing the "local loop" portion of your connection.

I should point out here that the CIR (bandwidth you are promised) is generally only stated in terms of the local loop, since normally that's all that your access-ISP has control over.

FWIW you can download the Oookla ( client to run on your own network, which is rather handy if you want to test out that fancy 802.11ac wifi setup (or whatever).

Comment Time+Effort = yes (usually) (Score 2) 176

With enough time and effort (money being #3, but two outta three is generally all that's needed) .. yes, you can make it work.

If it's just an academic exercise then go for it, try and find hardware from the same (or earlier) era than the disks.

If you really want to flex an embedded device you'll be better off using recent distributions as those are customized for the hardware. Just because it's old software doesn't mean it'll run fine on newer (but underpowered) devices.

BOTH hardware and software have improved over time.

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