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Comment Re:What about Ubuntu One? (Score 1) 168

price is eventually irrelevant. I'd happily pay for something that works. I've been using Dropbox for quite some time now, and still on the free version, managed to keep my usage down to the free limits. And, it works. That is, on an Ubuntu Lucid system, syncing with my wife on a mac.

When it launched (quite some time ago), I checked out the U1 service and had loads of authentication problems, and dropped it. So, this article made me check again. It's not obvious how to use it, and the iPhone App still doesn't authenticate well, or basically is a mess (opens Safari and all that). And I'm not the average computer user.

Ok, dropbox has to sort out some auth issues, and I won't put sensitive stuff on it, but if you like it or not, it works a dream, also on Ubuntu, which I think is a major plus. If Ubuntu One wants to compete in this field, they really need to sort our their QA and stop launching things before it's ready.

Main thing I don't like about Dropbox is not being able to read OpenOffice documents on the iPhone.

Comment waste of time requires compensation (Score 1) 194

ok, so, everyone hates IE6, what else is new. What I really don't like is how MS is making the mad amounts of money from "having the market" whilst all of us struggle to keep our sites working on their monsters of systems.

I'd like some compensation from all the time I've wasted to make my sites and systems work in their deprecated access to the web, whilst being unable to move on, as clients demanded IE6 support, because 60% of their (corporate) visitors still used it.

MS is taking the dosh, and everyone else wastes their time to deal with it. That's not right.

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