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Comment Number of possilble users was probably small (Score 1) 35

And they've served all of them now. I mean, how many orgs have THAT much data to begin with, and how many ever need this sort of thing a second time? I imagine it paid for itself for the few who needed it, but there's no point in maintaining and upgrading it once you've got those customers.

Comment Re:Enterprise filesystems and added security... (Score 1) 18

Just to be snarky: If you think 'Enterprise' means 'can be fathomed by mere mortals', then you have NOT paid any attention to that term in the industry at large. Enterprise software is almost universally a massive pain in the ass requiring specialized skills to deal with, and is frequently buggy and shitty. The thing enterprise software has is a very good sales team that knows how to schmooze the c-suite.

Comment It's hard, let's just leave it for someone else! (Score 1) 53

I understand the desire to not have to go through this shit so often, but the less often you do it, the harder it becomes. Leap seconds are bad enough now when they only show up irregularly, but if they only happen every 50 years? And it's a whole minute? That's gonna be WAY worse to deal with because everyone who was there last time has retired.
Heck, I'd advocate for going MORE frequently, and leaping milliseconds at a time here and there - it'll happen way more often, and thus the software involved will be more likely to actually work.

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