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Comment Re:Why not hardware manufacturers? (Score 1) 809

Do you honestly think that retail outlets will even consider selling computers without those stickers?

That's a tough question. At first we all assume that the stickers must be pretty important, but my guess (pre-looking-at-evidence) is that most retail sellers would in fact be willing to do just that, since users never asked for those stickers in the first place; they're ads.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. When Windows 8 comes out 'Windows 8 certified' will be all over the adverts and retailers such as PC World and Comet will be expected to say things like "this computer is better than that one because it is Windows 8 certified".

Comment Re:They haven't lost it (Score 1) 211

I'm sure they used to do things to speed it up like sending the most viewed pages more often and I've seen some services - ARTE for example - where the pages counted down rather than up, but they also showed messages instead of the clock too. ISTR there were some extensions to the original teletext that would allow up to 4096 colours and other special effects.

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