(Emphasis mine.)
Advantages of no-cash: [...] All the rich people would have to pay all their taxes.
This would only be the case if all the rich people happened to carry their vast wealth around as cash in order to avoid the tax collector. They don't. They keep it in banks and investments.
Does this help?
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> if (!("jQuery" in this)) { document.write('<'+'script type="text/javascript" src="query.min.js"></'+'script>'); } </script>
In 100 smokers, 17 will die from lung cancer. In 100 non-smokers, 1 will die from lung cancer, often a second-hand smoke victim.
Do you have a reference for that?
I would like a right to a paycheck despite not working, a right to house despite not paying rent,
You're welcome! Enjoy.
a right to a signifigant other provided to me by the state of the gender of my choosing.
Slavery is a different kettle of fish, don't you think?
Screw work, it is for suckers, I want to play video games all day and make the state pay for it!
Again, enjoy. I hope you recover some motivation soon.
It's also not actually browser specific, and applies equally well to thick clients (think Skype, or practically anything that wants to receive messages rather than just send them; you might make a broad comparison with UPNP or STUN). It's just a happy coincidence that it can be used to lift the browser up to equal status with other programming environments.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith