Comment Re:Oh no! (Score 0) 69
It is al completely blown out of proportion. As Facebook is used for various purposes by parents it is assumed that children use it for similar purposes, when in fact children rarely use facebook at all. When they do use facebook it is really just for instagramish stuff.
Kids message their friends to plan activities relative to the activities their parents plan. If mom sets up a birthday party, kids use social media to plan activities within the party. In China facebook is banned and they use wechat. In countries where facebook is not banned it is merely because facebook is used just like wechat and authorities understand this, The plague of pics of your food etc that people complain about with facebook is merely - can you prepare for the shock? - kids literally taking pictures of their food. More than 99% of facebook users are using it for this purpose.
Ascribing nefarious activity to social media use among children (yes there are ads and the kids generally have no idea what the ads are for) is just dumb. Kids like to play with their friends and social media is just an extension of the landline they used to use to call friends.
Of concern is when outside actors attempt to contact your children through social media so parents should monitor but not interfere unless they see a real or potential threat from an outsider. Parents are not stupid and are aware of who exactly is an outsider and who is a friend or a friends parent etc.
Reducing screen time near bedtime is important, if only to help the brain wind down.
And don't forget that a kids' social media post is just that - mostly harmless and meaningless words outside of the narrow context of trying to communicate innocently with their friends - ascribing some sort of heavy meaning is incorrect.
Yes, kids meet future girlfriends and boyfriends on social media including wechat. Yes, kids follow their teachers on social media because teachers literally broadcast notes about the next test or homework assignment. Yes, kids message teachers individually and teachers are wise enough to message back, copying their parents etc. Yes, kids look for summer jobs and ways to spend their allowances by following local businesses.
It is all just silly. Let kids be kids, let teenagers be teenagers, let parents be parents. Enough with the looking at every little thing like it has to be controlled or it is so risky.