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Comment Re:Buy a XEON box and run your favorite linux. (Score 1) 284

I first met Unix with version 7 in 1986. Until 1994, I worked in a company which produced an optical disk (WORM) driver and filesystem. I ported this stuff to all Unix variations of the period (HP/UX AIX SOLARIS various system Vs and more exotic ones). Arguably, the one true Unix at the end of the period was SystemV release 4 (because of its ancestry). In 1994 we started another company, and the choice was made, for price reasons, to switch to Intel PCs running either Linux or FreeBSD (we used both). I remember very well that the FreeBSD kernel was much closer to what I knew (mostly because of the heavy infusion of SUN stuff in System V release 4 I think), than Linux was. Linux was a very strange beast. So no, can't agree with you.

Submission + - VPN with 'strict no-logs policy' exposed millions of user log files (betanews.com) 3

kimmmos writes: An unprotected database belonging to the VPN service UFO VPN was exposed online for more than two weeks. Contained within the database were more than 20 million logs including user passwords stored in plain text.

User of both UFO VPN free and paid services are affected by the data breach which was discovered by the security research team at Comparitech. Despite the Hong Kong-based VPN provider claiming to have a "strict no-logs policy" and that any data collected is anonymized, Comparitech says that "based on the contents of the database, users' information does not appear to be anonymous at all".

Comment Re:Only Concerned About Fear (Score 1) 166

Would you mind citing a source for your figures ? Because the more usually accepted ones are around 1% infected, and 10% of these becoming severe.

Current mortality rate estimate by World Health Organisation: 3%

Current Hubei numbers for resolved cases: 45k recovered, 3k dead. Source: Johns Hopkins CSEE: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis...

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