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Comment Re:Of Course (Score 1) 120

You're missing the magic.. By asking for preorders and setting a high bar:
        "1,000 USD gets you a place in line for a car sometime in the short term"
they're getting rid of early and late majority markets and of course laggards, and focusing on visionaries and innovators(*) who WILL cut them a bit of slack.. They will be the first ones to have Tesla 3's.. That's what they're after.. That's why the formed a line outside of the dealerships..
(can you imagine someone who trusts his Camry to fork 1,000 bucks for a car that's maybe going to happen sometime and maybe be delivered in a bit over a year? - not)

That's something not talked about anywhere.. Market penetration strategy.. Loved it..


* - Checkout Geoffrey Moore's "chrossing the chasm"..

Comment Re: EcoSystem Integration (Score 1) 78

Exactly. You don't have to reinvent the wheel here. You can consider options such a well executed JV, buying out an existing player (I like Mazda, for what they've been achieving so far).
What I feel is that they're just going the least resistant path and trying to "conquer the whole autonomous vehicle market" through an add-on service, whereas they've always before been into luxurious well designed experience goods which they can mark-up accordingly.. I really don't think you can provide a full experience without controlling the whole product. Software is only a part of if.
I just feel this derives from the differences in Cook's vs. Jobs' visions and mindsets..

Comment EcoSystem Integration (Score 1) 78

Unbelievable how they don't get that the vertical integration of the iOS architecture (hardware + software + services) is what makes them stand out with the grand majority of users (not talking about technologists and hobbyists, but mom, pops and most users)

Windows will never have that while catering to multiple hardware vendors
Android will never have that while catering to multiple hardware vendors

As far as I can tell Tesla is the only one doing the all-around solution approach, while others are going with accesorizing other's cars..

Incredible how that single factor being key in their success so far, doesn't make them go all the way in Cars as well. It's not that they don't have the money.. Not saying it's easy!! But come fucking on..! Take big obstacles HEAD ON, damn it!!

Comment Look at the big picture (Score 3, Insightful) 359

Of course to get from point A to B, it takes more time when you eliminate left turns... But think that you actually have points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.. And Multiple trucks.. Meaning that maybe point B is not served by truck 1, even when it's two blocks away from its original route, but it's taken by truck 2 because it's better served by the no-left-turn algorithm..

That's what I call economies of scale.. And not the idiot thing of being able to push your providers tu give you better prices because you're a big buyer..

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 848

I haven't RTFA, but the instant question is: So what?

As long as a device solves a problem to the user, that's what the device should restrain itself to do.. General use PCs have proven to become virus/worms/problem infested in the hands of "normal" users..

There will always be general use pc's for those who are willing and have to skills to handle them responsibly..

I for one welcome this new era when tech support nightmares get reduced to a minimum..


Comment Comment to geohot (Score 2, Insightful) 470

I'm the one who submitted this story in trying to raise awareness and get you to raise funds from the slashdot community.. You deserve backup from many people to stand a good fight vs. sony..

Be careful, George.. You have a very strong opportunity to make a difference.. No one is saying you shouldn't benefit from it after it's over.. In fact, YOU SHOULD..

But take cautious steps in the middle.. You've appeared one time too many as being too media and attention centric.. Focus right now and enjoy the benefits later.. Listen to older people..


Submission + - Hacker takes stance against Sony in PS3 lawsuit (geohot.com)

mede writes: In an interesting turn of events, Sony might have stumbled into ahttp://www.geohot.com/>tough nut to crack. George Hotz (aka GeoHot) famous for his iPhone hacking achievements, is planning on fighting the big corporation on removing his free speech rights at utilizing his fully paid for hardware. Hotz has always claimed being anti-piracy (since iPhone activities) and expresses has never pirated any game or even signed to PSN agreements. He's asking for donations to fight Sony back and try to achieve something similar to what was previously accomplished by the EFF in regard to cellphones. I've already donated.

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