Comment Re:Of Course (Score 1) 120
You're missing the magic.. By asking for preorders and setting a high bar:
"1,000 USD gets you a place in line for a car sometime in the short term"
they're getting rid of early and late majority markets and of course laggards, and focusing on visionaries and innovators(*) who WILL cut them a bit of slack.. They will be the first ones to have Tesla 3's.. That's what they're after.. That's why the formed a line outside of the dealerships..
(can you imagine someone who trusts his Camry to fork 1,000 bucks for a car that's maybe going to happen sometime and maybe be delivered in a bit over a year? - not)
That's something not talked about anywhere.. Market penetration strategy.. Loved it..
* - Checkout Geoffrey Moore's "chrossing the chasm"..