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Comment Re:What REALLY Happened (Score 1) 418

Wikipedia says 16Mhz 68k available "late eighties". So possibly not 1986, though 12.5Mhz versions were definitely available (even earlier).
That said, increasing the cpu clock would not have been an easy task. In fact the 7.16Mhz is derived from NTSC video timings, and everything runs with it. You can't simply run the cpu faster (well actually there's overclocking projects for such hw which overclocks the cpu when it doesn't access the bus basically, but it doesn't make things all that much faster - remember the 68k has a total cache size of exactly 0 bytes for both data and instructions...).
So, realistically if you want it to be faster, you'd have to design everything around the faster clock, from custom chips to ram chips. Not saying it would have been impossible (possibly though only around 12Mhz 1986 (and the amiga being built around ntsc video timings would have made that difficult - even the amiga 1200 with its 68020 STILL uses such timings, just at exactly twice the frequency of the A500)), but certainly it would have been quite a different box, not just basically the same box with a faster cpu.

Comment Re:Nope, I'll use he, she, they, there, their etc. (Score 2) 301

No, actually "everyone" is indeed singular, hence it should be "everyone needs to be sure to tighten his safety belt". Albeit "their" sounds quite acceptable to me here. But if you'd say "Everyone are here" (pretending it's indeed plural), that would sound wrong to me.
But in any case, I'm not a native speaker, so what sounds ok to me may not be the right answer :-).

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 1067

FWIW, there are indeed languages where div by zero doesn't result in errors. Typically languages which can't throw exceptions. So, GLSL integer division gives an undefined result, as does the same in OpenCL. One reason of course is that these languages are meant to operate on vectors in hardware, and even if you could, you don't want to throw exceptions just for one element in the vector even though the rest of the vector is fine. Of course, unless you really don't care about the result in this case, you better make sure you recognize these zeros and do something to handle it (for instance, after doing the division, replace the result with zero or whatever if the divisor was zero). d3d10 shading language otoh gives you a defined result, but not zero (0xffffffff, for both quotient and remainder).

Comment Re:See nothing that says this is x86 (Score 1) 128

Well that Q6600 has 105W TDP - this new cpu has got a 2W SDP (ok that's marketing bs number, intel doesn't disclose the TDP, but should be around 4W or so). And that includes the gpu (which isn't included in the Q6600, and the gpu would be WAY faster than the one in the chipset the Q6600 came with at least if that was a intel chipset).
But yes in absolute cpu performance terms this can't touch a Q6600. However, compared to other tablet cpus it should do ok (compared to the broadwell Core-M chips some managed to cramp in similar sized fanless devices it will still lose but at least it shouldn't have that many thermal issues). Something like the iPad Air 2 could also be close in performance (or beat it depending on the task).
So, comparing to desktop class cpus isn't really fair, and against chips of the same class it should do ok (I don't really trust those preliminary benchmark numbers though by all accounts they could be true - cpu wise this is essentially a die-shrinked baytrail atom, so probably roughly the same performance with somewhat reduced power draw, though the graphics should be much improved - it now has intel Gen 8 graphics with 16 EUs instead of Gen 7 graphics with just 4 EUs though clocked lower).

Comment Re:Easier to support than OpenGL 4.x (Score 1) 52

If it runs on Haswell, it should on Ivy Bridge and Bay Trail Atoms as well. Bay Trail Atoms and Ivy Bridge are of the same graphics generation (gen7), and Haswell is just minimally different (gen 7.5) sharing nearly all driver code. Sandy Bridge is definitely different, though since khronos is saying everything supporting GLES 3.1 and up should be able to support it (meaning even things such as geometry shaders have to be optional), I guess it should be good enough. I am not convinced though anyone is going to write a driver for it but who knows?

Comment Re:Transactional Memory support (Score 1) 189

That is not quite correct, Haswell (or any cpu which supports AVX2) can do gather but not scatter. I agree this can be useful. I'm not sure how much faster it'll actually be in practice compared to using multiple loads (note that ever since sse4.1 you will typically not need any shuffles to achieve the same with multiple loads as you can use pinsrx instructions to directly fill up those vectors hence your concerns about increased register usage are unfounded), since the instruction is microcoded in the cpu so to the execution core it will still look like multiple single loads.

Comment Re:Valve finds Intel's driver to be great. (Score 1) 159

I don't know how good it would scale up. One thing is for sure though they'd need to scale other things than just the execution units (which is all they do for now).
Oh and your scaling numbers are a bit off. intel has only 6-16 EUs but these are 8-wide. So if they'd want a chip comparable to a high-end nvidia or amd card, they'd only need around below 200 EUs (they also run at somewhat higher frequency) not 1600 (which would be insane). Likewise for some good performance card ~100 EUs would be enough.

Comment Re:"moving irresistibly"? (Score 0) 673

This is the fastest GPU (well either that or a similarly fast one from AMD, HD7850M/HD7870M) you can fit in such a case (and, like other similar sized notebook chassis, it's already struggling with maintaining full clocks at high cpu+gpu load).
I don't consider this underpowered. Sure for full-res gaming this is a no-go but neither the high display resolution nor the MacBook itself is intended for that. If you want to game, just use lower resolution with upscaling (which does cost some performance too but not that much), though why some serious gamer would even consider a MacBook completely escapes me.
There's a reason GeForce 680M (and Radeon HD7970M) are only found in big and bulky gaming notebooks.

Comment Re:Years off? (Score 1) 386

"50 shader cores" vs. 800 is not quite a valid comparison. The 800 number is totally unconfirmed and based on the rumor that the chip will be "similar to rv770", personally I believe people read a bit too much into that "similar" by deducing it will have the same number of shader units (if I'd have to guess I would say it's closer to lower performance level chips, like 480 shader units). Plus, if you count the cores like that, the X360 really has 192 shader cores, not 50 (3x16x4), though granted the ones in the Wii U (no matter the number) should be more flexible.
So I have some doubts it will be "phenomenally more capable" (some cautious statements from Nintendo about being able to match PS360 in graphics add to that, as does the tiny form factor) though it might indeed be somewhat better.

Comment Re:It might be worse than that. . . (Score 1) 234

The reactors were not 1000MW electrical - 2 and 3 were 784MW, 1 460MW, hence thermal output was about 2x2.2GW and 1.3GW respectively.
The 7% figure for decay heat is only true immediately after shutdown, after an hour (roughly when the tsunami hit) this goes already down to 1.5% (and there was some limited cooling after that due to battery backup). So you're really only looking at about 20MW or so per reactor which is not THAT much. Looks easy enough to use some portable generator to get some pump going (some 100kWs of electrical power should probably be enough) but apparently it didn't work that way...
Though the GP suggestions to rely on generators/turbine for cooling by just shutting down to self-sustaining power levels sounds extremely risky to me. The tsunami certainly flooded not only the diesel generators but other areas as well. If the diesels didn't work after the tsunami, I've got some doubts the turbines did (not to mention there could have been short-circuits or even direct earthquake related damage). We never really heard about if there was damage to these parts, if someone even knows.

Comment Re:Time to buy all new chipsets! (Score 1) 163

It's not like intel reduced the number of memory channels. This chip is for mainstream desktop platform, which is currently using LGA1156, and also "only" has 2 memory channels (I say "only" in parantheses because for desktop workloads, 16GB which this allows is plenty). When Sandy Bridge derived chips for the other platforms come out (I wouldn't know when), they will continue to have the same amount of memory channels as those platforms currently do (which is 3 for enthusiast/workstation).

Comment Re:Multiple factual errors and dubious statements. (Score 1) 204

ddr3 memory could potentially make a difference in graphics performance, though. dual vs. single-channel ddr2 memory definitely made a difference with the desktop gma 950 (which atom n4xx graphics is based on), though considering the gpu is clocked lower than the old desktop gma 950 the difference might not be that big. Not that this would really make much of a difference of course compared to modern gpus it will still be very slow.

Comment Re:Damages? (Score 1) 258

In theory at least public buildings should be quake-proof - not quite sure to what degree, but certainly earthquakes with a magnitude above 4 aren't quite unexpected in that area. In fact there was a 6.5 earthquake at basel - not that much was left of it after that but that was in 1356.
There were however 2500 damage reports, which explains the 9 million. That's not really much per damage report, it'll quickly cost quite a bit to for instance repair some superficial visible crack in plaster. And yes, there are strong doubts all of the damage was actually caused by that earthquake...

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