Comment Re:Outside Agency for basic account actions? (Score 1) 483
That is the major reason I mentioned that it may have to be a government agency, so that the private firm
wouldn't be able to simply pass the bad expereience buck along. Of course, that eliminates competition to
go with a central system.
Maybe this is an idea: companies don't outsource to one place, but to several (all?) through a common
interface to keep organizational ovehead down. The customer service companies would have to pass
security checks an such-like (lwt's not get bogged down on such details). Thus, consumers could
call any of the service companies as front ends, and will naturally gravitate towards ones that provide
a better experience, and the companies being served by the industries pay by number of customers
Seems tough to me, personally, to balance the competing forces here. Take returns for example:
as the seller, I really don't want you to return soemthing unless absolutely necessary, but as a
customer I would like to do so with impunity. Anybody have any ideas or insight as to how companies
themselves handle these sorts of competing drives?
wouldn't be able to simply pass the bad expereience buck along. Of course, that eliminates competition to
go with a central system.
Maybe this is an idea: companies don't outsource to one place, but to several (all?) through a common
interface to keep organizational ovehead down. The customer service companies would have to pass
security checks an such-like (lwt's not get bogged down on such details). Thus, consumers could
call any of the service companies as front ends, and will naturally gravitate towards ones that provide
a better experience, and the companies being served by the industries pay by number of customers
Seems tough to me, personally, to balance the competing forces here. Take returns for example:
as the seller, I really don't want you to return soemthing unless absolutely necessary, but as a
customer I would like to do so with impunity. Anybody have any ideas or insight as to how companies
themselves handle these sorts of competing drives?