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Comment Incorrect headline (Score 3, Insightful) 464

The video actually says that, mathematically, you are likely (2 out of 3 times) not to be in the fastest line.

In his example of three lines, there is still a 2/3 chance that you are not in the slowest line. So unless "one in three" has become "likely," the headline demonstrates a failure at basic maths.

Comment Re:Homeopathic Medicine (Score 2) 430

I think you misunderstand the homeopathic point of view to believe that this weakens the legitimacy of their approach at all.

I'm not an expert in the field, but my understanding is that Homeopathy is based on the idea that there is a fundamental vital force that is responsible for overall well-being, which can be strengthened by taking particular concoctions that resonate with this force in the person. Maybe these placebos inadvertently had a homeopathic quality that was helpful for IBS sufferers.
The Internet

The Perils of Pop Philosophy 484

ThousandStars tips a new piece by Julian Sanchez, the guy who, in case you missed it, brought us a succinct definition of the one-way hash argument (of the type often employed in the US culture wars). This one is about the dangers of a certain kind of oversimplifying, as practiced routinely by journalists and bloggers. "This brings us around to some of my longstanding ambivalence about blogging and journalism more generally. On the one hand, while it's probably not enormously important whether most people have a handle on the mind-body problem, a democracy can't make ethics and political philosophy the exclusive province of cloistered academics. On the other hand, I look at the online public sphere and too often tend to find myself thinking: 'Discourse at this level can't possibly accomplish anything beyond giving people some simulation of justification for what they wanted to believe in the first place.' This is, needless to say, not a problem limited to philosophy."
Input Devices

NYU Researchers Create Cheap, Flexible Pressure-Based Interface 55

Al writes "A super-cheap, thin and flexible touch interface developed by researchers at New York University and could be used to add touch sensing to all sorts of gadgets and devices. It measures a change in electrical resistance when a person or object applies different pressure. The "Inexpensive Multi-Touch Pressure Acquisition Devices (IMPAD)" consists of two sheets of plastic containing parallel lines of electrodes. The sheets are arranged so that the electrodes cross, creating a grid and each intersection acts as a pressure sensor. The sheets are also covered with a layer of force-sensitive resistor (FSR) ink, a type of ink that has microscopic bumps on its surface. So, when something coated in the ink is pressed, the bumps move together and touch, conducting electricity."

Comment Craigslist (Score 3, Informative) 262

Have you checked out Craigslist? Look at both the jobs and the "gigs" sections. I see ads for single-project development all the time as well as some ongoing stuff. I know a few people who do this sort of thing freelance full time and make a pretty penny too.

I live in one of the more tech-active areas in the country (Boulder, CO) so this may or may not apply...

Comment Just the beginning (Score 1) 353

I have uninstalled this parasitic piece of crap from the same guy's laptop no less than four times over a period of months, even doing my best to educate him about the situation. The Malware Removal Tool is not going to make any difference if the user is intent on reinstalling it as soon possible.

An actually responsible thing to do might be for Microsoft to run a friendly educational campaign about malware and viruses... a lovely dream.


Flower Robots For Your Home 119

Roland Piquepaille writes "Flower robots are not new, and some have already been developed in the US. Now, South Korean researchers have created a robotic plant which acts like real ones. This robot has humidifying, oxygen-producing, aroma-emitting, and kinetic functions. It is about 1.30 meters tall and 40 centimeters in diameter. The robotic plant can interact with people when they approach, and it can 'dance' when music is played. The researchers don't say when a commercial version of their flowers will come to the market. They also don't mention a retail price."

The Dangers of Hugging 1

In a disgusting display of public affection dozens of East Valley students in Mesa Arizona, participated in a group hug to protest a school ban on hugs lasting more than 2 secs. The district said a list of acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors will be handed out to students and that they are simply trying to save the children from the horror of human contact.

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