Comment Re:well at least... (Score 2, Interesting) 222
I think the problem is that they do not have the .htaccess set up at all. You may notice they do not have clean URLs or 404s working either.
Eh, I mentioned this on Reddit a while ago and nothing has changed since:
...the source of the site is transparent:
Hmm they really might want to get that Drupal updated to 6.10!
Filed under: HDTV, Home Entertainment
In case DRM hasn't caused you -- the honest consumer -- enough pain already. Check it, you've got some required software updating to do now that Corel has introduced a patch to their cracked InterVideo WinDVD software. Best do it pronto too. According to Corel, "failure to apply the update will result in AACS-protected HD DVD and BD playback being disabled." That means no more HD DVD or Blu-ray Disc films for you, Mr. assumed criminal. Thing is, this is no ordinary patch since WinDVD exposed the hardware specific device key to video pirates. So not only are you required to update their janky WinDVD software, you also have to track down and install the paticular AACS patch for the HD DVD or BD player you own. Of course this only patches one flaw in the massively compromised DRM boondoggle. Just think, you can repeat the whole process again after hackers circumvent this latest attempt at "content protection." Isn't DRM nice?Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments
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