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Comment Who is taking crypto advice from Kim Kardashian? (Score 3, Insightful) 94

I highly doubt Kim Kardashian has the technical knowledge to talk about cryptocurrency. Listening to Kim Kardashian's opinion about cryptocurrency is like listening to Candace Owens' opinion on vaccines, or Roger Waters' views on how to fix Russia's war in Ukraine.

Comment Facebook is in the data mining business (Score 5, Insightful) 36

There has never been anything accidental about any of the privacy scandals Facebook has had during its history. It exists to mine as much data about you as they can. Sometimes they get caught doing it illegally, and they apologize for getting caught. But it's never accidental, and they are never sorry.

Comment I would like an option to hide podcasts (Score 1) 109

Spotify continues pushing them in my face, despite having only listened to 1 episode of 1 podcasts in my years as a paying customer. I'm not interested, I never was, and I don't want to see them anymore. I'm unsurprised they've never had a hit podcast.

It's a pretty minor nuisance, but I don't know why executives would be so surprised that people aren't listening to content they don't want. Isn't the whole job of their platform to give users content that they *do* want? Why do they keep blindly shoving podcasts in front of me as if the problem is I just haven't seen enough ads for them yet?

Comment All the browsers do this kind of thing (Score 1) 224

Every time I log into my GMail account using Edge, Google prompts me to switch to Chrome. MacOS gives me a repeated prompt to change my default web browser back to Safari, and apparently the only way to suppress that is to actually change the default browser to Safari then change it back to the browser you want.

Comment I'm an Android user, not a Samsung user (Score 2) 34

I actually don't want a Samsung specific store. I don't exclusively use Samsung Android devices, it doesn't make sense to have a store specific to a single vendor. I don't understand why one would choose Android as a platform, then lock themselves into an Apple-esque vendor-specific app model.

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
