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Comment Re:Remember: Sexism's Only Alright If It Favors Wo (Score 1) 847

Right you are,

First ye take 120 paces for'ards, then ye spin widdershins thrice times. Walk till the cockatrice calls and dig for yer treasure me hearties. Yarrr.


It's up there, just past the bush with yellow flowers that looks like a dog cocking its leg.

I'm a man, and I use named landmarks to give directions. Makes much more sense.

Creationism Museum To Open Next Summer 1570

Aloriel writes to point out a story in the Guardian (UK) about the opening next year of the first Creationism museum in Kentucky, just over the Ohio border. From the article: "The Creation Museum — motto: 'Prepare to Believe!' — will be the first institution in the world whose contents, with the exception of a few turtles swimming in an artificial pond, are entirely fake. It is dedicated to the proposition that the account of the creation of the world in the Book of Genesis is completely correct... The museum is costing $25 million and all but $3 million has already been raised from private donations." A lot of that money is going into the animatronic dinosaurs, which are pictured as coexisting with modern humans before the Fall. According to the article, up to 50 million Americans believe this. The museum has a Web presence in the site.

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