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Comment Surge protectors *must* be voltage specific (Score 4, Informative) 138

The problem is, 200 Volts on a 110V circuit is a surge and will fry a 110V power supply. So surge protectors need to be voltage specific or they become ineffective at lower voltages.

I would go another route: Make sure that your have spare/alternative ways to power or charge your equipment. For example carry a 12V charger for your laptop (also works on some airplanes). Only buy equipment (phones/tablets) you can charge from an USB outlet. Carry a spare USB charger.

This will get easier over time with the USB type C connector and USB power delivery, as modern devices get equipped with it.

Comment Re:Talk to Vendors (Score 1) 219

A well written RFI sent to some vendors should give you an overview of what is available and at what cost.

As you need file level access you should talk to NAS vendors, like Netapp or ENC Isilon. They will certainly have storage boxes for you. You'll have to fit a backup solution to your storage box too, this is work and adds cost.

If you think this may grow, then look at scalability. Not all solutions scale. Also you may end up with millions of files, this may be problemantic to some backup solutions.

I have experience with IBMs Spectrum Scale (GPFS) kit. The cluster filesystem scales nicely and handles lots of files and data with excellent performance. With the recent Elastic Storage components the price per TB is very competitive (5-10x lower than traditional enterprise storage). A half a PB of storage should cost in the $150k range, you'll have to add more for backup and maybe implementation.

For the backup you should look into tape robots. Handling a TB size backup set manually is not fun and will require considerable manpower, when a robot does it mostly unattended. It may also make sense to combine your backup with other backups on site, you may end up be ten imes bigger than everything else combined...

Comment Higher energy density ? (Score 1) 293

Actually in practice it seems to be the contrary. A Testa and the Hydrogen Toyota get aound 250 miles on a full charge/tank. But if you compare the drivetrain of a tesla and the Toyota you'll see the Tesla is much more compact. The front space 'frunk' is empty in the Tesla and full in the Toyota. In addition the Toyota need sapce under all seats and part of the truck is used too. The entire drivetrain and energy storage of a Tesla is in the floor and does not get in the way.

Comment Re:As expected from google (Score 1) 113

That is what I'm saying. Google can not remove the article, but is forced to remove a link (among many). For a useful right to be forgotten the concerned party should request for the article to be taken down or redacted.

The judgement show the foolish stupidness and incompetence of the judges.

Comment Re:As expected from google (Score 2, Insightful) 113

Yes to the right to be forgotten. But do it right.

Currently the search engines must remove the link to the article, but the article stays. This is bullshit. If the article contains something to be forgotten it should be removed or redacted. This is the only correct way to do it. Also, there should be an open procedure, with appeals, to decide if the article must be redacted / deleted.


Comment Re:Fission is Dead (Score 3, Informative) 218

Unfortunately yes.

It is easy enough to get a big public outcry for any new nuclear plant, irrespective of its safety. The public has learned that nuclear = big accident (sooner or later). If you ask an activist if he want a coal or a nuclear plant, he will say 'neither' and fight both, but probably more vigorously against the nuclear one. That makes investing into any kind of nuclear stuff a very risky proposal.

The only way to change is when other fuels get expensive and we'll see rolling power outages again and the public experiences that we need new plants.


Comment Should also incorporate AIS-like facility (Score 1) 77

This sounds like a centralized style solution. It only works if communication between any drone and the central server/agency is maintained. For some parts, like flight planning, this is fine. But for collision avoidance I don't think this will cut it.

In the shipping world we already have a decentralized system called Automatic Identification System (AIS). Every vessel broadcasts its position and course on a common radio channel. Other vessels listen and if equipped with collision avoidance systems can take evasive action. Something similar for Drones could be imposed by the FCC, like it is on ships by the International Maritime Organisation.

This would suffer from the same drawbacks (ships can fake their identification), everybody can listen to broadcasts, but it would help solve 95% of the problem.

Comment Re:There are no "remote" exploits for bash (Score 1) 329

After some reflection I suspect that there never was a 'pure' /bin/sh on Linux. It may have been bash all along.

Most commercial Unixes come with a dedicated /bin/bash and the korn shell. One could install bash, but this would be a 3rd party tool and not affect system().


Comment Re:There are no "remote" exploits for bash (Score 4, Interesting) 329

Bash has network connectivity on plenty of servers because it is used to execute cgi-script by the webserver (and other network services).

Here the definition of the system() function call often used to run external commands:

system() executes a command specified in command by calling /bin/sh -c command

/bin/sh is linked to /bin/bash and vulnerable. Executing external commands through system(), and therefore bash, is by far the easiest method, so it is widely used. It is sufficient to trick the server or daemon.

Here a proof of concept where a dhcp server tricks a dhcp client into running an arbitrary command.


Comment Re:Data compression is data processing (Score 1) 263

> Data compression on the other hand is a different domain.

Why ?
Data compression has been used since a long time, think about stenography or shorthand, for example. This is a manual data compression system, no computer required. Many algorithms are only practical on a computer, but they still are mathematical algorithms.

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