Comment RIP. (Score 1) 344
Your stories were always enlightening, and employed far better grammar than CmdrTaco's. I regret that I never got to ride in your limo. Godspeed, Rob.
Your stories were always enlightening, and employed far better grammar than CmdrTaco's. I regret that I never got to ride in your limo. Godspeed, Rob.
They confirmed it.
We had Jon Katz and his "Hellmouth" geeksploitation.
Some 13 years ago, OS/2 came with its own custom font, Warp Sans. Granted, it was a bitmapped font and only came in (IIRC) 11pt, but I'm pretty sure it qualified as an "IBM font".
So, is Netcraft right? Is Linux dying?
The linked article includes a comment by someone who apparently has a sub-dermal NFC tag implanted. Either he's one of the nerdiest people around, or he's just revealed that he's actually a dog. (Actually, though, are those commonly used by the disabled to make unlocks easier?)
It's a shame if the marketing/mindshare makes the cellphone part of the company worthless, because the HTC Ten I carry is a pretty damn nice phone. It's actually the third of theirs I've bought in a row.
C doesn't bring the massive volume of mess with it. It's simplicity is it's beauty. But the world's biggest C advocate wouldn't use it to implement server side web code, unless the only other choice was Javascript (then the smart move would be to quit your job).
What do you think Apache modules are?
Meanwhile, I wonder if all this server-side Javascript is stepping on the toes of the SSJS Netscape introduced on its server; there must be some patents lying around that someone owns....
If you're asleep when that happens, no one will wake you.
I use the Sage Plus plugin for Firefox, and the Feedburner link was how I got to this story.
The real question is, will anyone get here via PointCast?
It's an Ubuntu subsystem on Windows 10 that allows you to run (some) ELF binaries directly from within the Windows environment.
I figured the "don't be evil" thing went away the moment they bought DoubleClick, inventors of the tracking cookie and the prototype of the "evil internet corporation."
They've only been doing this every year for two decades (or more). I don't know if there are any screenshots of ZOMG PONIES LOL! out there.
Yup, alas. The best things it still has are the object-oriented Workplace Shell and the patented "highlight everything I mouse over" (rather than a box lasso) technique, and I'm thinking the patent on the latter is nearing its expiration. Unfortunately, a lot of WPS code was Microsoft's, so it'll never see the light of day.
I'm a big fan of Teamcity. I'll admit that I haven't looked at Jenkins since it was Hudson, but even though it's not open-source or free beer (beyond a minimal setup) I'd suggest giving it a try.
Any given program will expand to fill available memory.