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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
effect/affect  *Sunday March 30, 2003 @07:14AM  1
   attached to XP Service Pack Slows Programs
Re:last I remembered  *Tuesday March 25, 2003 @07:38AM  1
   attached to GDDR2 Emerging As A Real Standard
Re:the Internet killed it  *Sunday January 05, 2003 @11:51PM  1
   attached to BBC To Ditch "Tomorrow's World"
Re:.8 sec... SO?  *Tuesday August 28, 2001 @03:13PM  1
   attached to Booting A PIII System In .8 Seconds
Re:You're missing the point...  *Wednesday August 15, 2001 @09:01AM  1
   attached to AMD To Stop Production Of 486, 586 & K6 Chips
One solution to outgoing SMTP port blocks.  *Friday August 10, 2001 @08:51AM  1
   attached to Broadband Crackdown
Re:I work 40 hours a week  *Friday May 04, 2001 @07:28AM  1
   attached to How Many Hours Do You Work in a Week?
London Sunday Times?  *Tuesday April 24, 2001 @01:59AM  1
   attached to First Arcology?
Re:Reliability  *Wednesday January 10, 2001 @02:45AM  1
   attached to "D-VHS": Will it replace DVD?
Re:anyone remember getting flexi vinyl w/comp mags  *Wednesday December 06, 2000 @03:13AM  1
   attached to Floppy CDs and DVDs?
Some back of the envelope calculations  *Thursday October 05, 2000 @01:34AM  1
   attached to High-res Volumetric 3D Display Prototype
Re:The dizzying pace of change  *Thursday August 17, 2000 @02:10AM  1
Clocks and SDR, DDR & QDR memory interfaces.  *Thursday August 17, 2000 @01:40AM  1
   attached to What Will be the Next Generation of RAM?

We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
