Yeah, actually the whole libertarian on /. thing is probably just a myth too. But hey, as a whole Americans are amazingly ignorant bastards...a lot of them could be dumb-as-fuck libertarians that fail to realize the many ways they are standing on the shoulders of western culture instead of being the individual mavericks they imagine themselves to be in their fantasies. When "Atlas Shrugged" and John Galt quit working the world just moved along without those self-righteous know-nothings. No man is an island and no individual man matters that damn much - sorry to burst your bubble. And I, for one, am not willing to hang myself on the noose libertarianism when a hybrid socio-political-economic model will serve us much better, just as it serves every other western nation. It's amazing how this rugged individualism has basically just put us in the U.S. on the hook to China and Japan. That's some wonderful freedom we have there...owned by the worker nations. Labor is the only real value, and if your aren't performing it in your country you had better get ready for an abrupt end to your ride on the gravy train.
[N.B. Too bad I can't have paragaphs on Slashdot via Opera. What gives...?]