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Comment Re:Surprised? (Score 2, Informative) 651

The law itself was not really found to violate the 'free speech' right.

In a previous ruling the Supreme Court of Canada (I think) upheld said law.

This ruling found "the law was originally intended to be âoeremedial, preventative and conciliatory in nature,â rather than a means to hand out penalties."

It was really the punishment called for by the law that was found to be inequitable. Because of this problem no action will be taken though the defendant was found to be guilty of 'hate speech'.

Comment Package Management != Application Management (Score 1) 936

I do agree that Debian excels at package management. Unfortunately package management and application management are not the same thing.

Take a look at OpenOffice.Org. Or ever just the writer component, how many packages are pulled in? On Windows you download one file but here it is telling you about dictionary packages and thesauruses and all sorts of stuff most people don't want to know about.

And that is assuming the user knows they want OpenOffice.Org Writer when looking for their 'new fangled linus Word'.

I know Ubuntu has made strides in this area and I personally hate the dumbing down of software (it creates an unfair illusion of simplicity) but they obviously still have a quite a distance to travel.

Comment Re:No, No, No, No, No... (Score 1) 725

Please, Nothing is that simple. Don't forget for process two: Mine silicon -> refine silicon -> manufacture solar cells -> overhaul electrical grid for distributed generation -> mine lithium -> refine lithium -> manufacture lithium batteries -> develop fast charging lithium technology (fast fill ups for longer trips) Of course this can be done for any alternative fuel, be it hydrogen, electric, biofuel, or Iron Man's fusion source. The simple answer is there is no simple solution and it is likely that a variety of solutions must be developed and tried. Don't be a condescending ass. It insults everybody working toward a solution. Who are you to demean them?

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