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Comment Re: So unfair (Score 1) 125

If Apple has "only copied", how come their stuff is doing so well that 2 out of 3 Smartphones in the U.S. are iPhones?


If they were just Copying, then someone else should have already had a phone ecosystem that was far more successful. But apparently, they don't.

Both things cannot be true.

Why not?

Personally, I wouldn't say that they've ONLY copied, but certainly they have predominantly copied, albeit well.

Comment Re:People just don't care about 10 cents (Score 1) 192

In America I don't even get why you would use any bags. As in Australia, 99% of people drive to the shops. I just have a couple of foldable crates I keep in the boot (trunk). Take the trolley to the self-checkout, grab the gun (not THAT gun) and scan everything in the trolley. Take the trolley to the car and pack the groceries into the crates. Too easy. I did that before they phased out single-use plastics, because it's just easier.

In countries where driving everywhere isn't the expected thing, I could understand somewhat.

Comment Re:Nobody asked for this. (Score 1) 335

Look, for a dryer, I could see someone integrating something like Zojirushi's 'fuzzy logic" that they use for rice cooking to determine drying times, etc (why keep running when the clothes are dry?)

The only dryers I've ever seen that don't have this are those in laundromats. And internet connectivity certainly isn't going to help them do this.

Comment Re: Nobody asked for this. (Score 5, Funny) 335

I tried it out on my fridge, and the only thing it provided was viewing the temperature that the fridge was set to. Not the actual temperature inside, just what it was set to. And it wasn't possible to change it. I can't imagine ever having the need to check that on my phone, so it got turned off.

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