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Comment Re:as good as WoW? (Score 2, Informative) 306

I recently participated in the single largest "battle" in the history of Eve.

A grand coalition of alliances gathered more than 1000 players to assault a single system, within which the Lotka Voltera alliance was defending a capital shipyard. That shipyard was in the process of building a Titan, the largest most expensive ship in the game, costing several times more than a player built outpost, and worth several thousand US dollars of minerals and components.

Lotka Volterra was defending with a fleet of more than 250 players, as well as several hundred drones, controlled by the players as separate entities. They had taken a defensive position around the one and only jumpgate leading into their system, and were awaiting our assault.

Unfortunately that's where the story gets dull. Upon jumping several hundred of our fleet into the beseiged system, the server node crashes. For the next several hours, the node crashes repeatedly, in spite of the services provided by one of CCP's server administrators in moving the system to one of their most powerful server nodes.

In the end, the battle was won through sheer stubbornness, when the coalition was willing to out-wait the Lotka volterra alliance. Eventually a few dozen ships were able to take control of the system for long enough to allow capital dreadnoughts to jump in and destroy the Titan in its construction bay.

So in closing, Eve has the largest PvP engagements of any game that I know of, but it still cannot actually _handle_ the scale of fight that the players are willing to engage in. I have been involved in non-lagged fleet activity with numbers of 100 on a side, but usually battles of that size are fairly laggy.

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