Bush won the election. 4 more years of the same. Personally, at this point I think 4 more years of the same is a good thing. Maybe I'll look back on this posting in 4 years and say what the heck was I thinking.
I have a few perdictions:
1. Gas at the pump will be around $3.50 per gallon in 4 years.
2. We will attack another county. Personall I think it will be North Korea or Iran.
3. Something big will happen in Saudi Arabia.
4. Isreal will get one step closer to peace with Palistine.
5. Mexicans who are here illegally will be naturlized and giving blessing to stay in this country.
6. A non-Republican governor will be elected in Florida.
But then again, those are just my perdictions.
Yet Another Monday...
Ho humm.. work is going along, keeping me busy. Been working on a hard drive upgrade now for several hours, what fun what fun. Then after installing a hard drive at a remote site I could no longer use terminal services to connect, after looking around I found the error. I explained to the client WEEKS ago that they needed to apply Service Pack 4 and all the post updates to avoid problems, and no they didn't listen. They are running SP2 on W2k Server. Ugg, what fun, so I walked someone through upgrading to SP4 over the phone. I only hope it works.
Nothing else is really going on. I'm pretty tired because I stayed up all night playing XBOX trying to beat the Meat Locker level in Rainbow Six Three with 3 other guys. Needless to say at 2am we still had not completed the mission so I went to bed.
Anyhooo.. just figured I'd post... Oh look, the servers rebooting.. wonder if thats a good think
And now it's back to the grinding stone. Work has been keeping me busy, I love my new job! My last employer actually sent me my final reembursement check **SHOCK!!** I really didn't think they'd send the $45 to me, but they did. Now lets see if the check is made of rubber!!!
My day as a sim..
The French and German governments did not support the Americans with this last Gulf war. The French, for the most part, hate the Americans (and even the Germans). Lots of Americans feel like "Hey France, next time you get invaded don't come to us, go ask the Germans, they already know the way to Paris."
So, with 5,000 French dead due to heat, could this be something more? Maybe it's simply the Hubbel Teliscope redirecting the energy of the sun using it's solar pannels and aiming it down at France causing the heat to increase? Maybe it's the CIA undercover with some new operation to try and kill off the french making it look like a heat problem.
Lots of maybes, what do you think?
My wife started watching "The West Wing". I think she's hooked now, oh great. Oh well.
Work tomorrow. lots to do. I hope I'll get everything that I want done.
I have my car alarm installed. It's really damn good. I can go topless and if you stick your hand through the open window you'll set off the alarm.
well.. last day of my vacation. I can't wait to go back onto vacation... blahh, guess I'll have to wait a long time for that.
Well, I'm having one of those weeks.
The aircraft had a flight recorder and it is a government coverup. Was Wellstone going to win? Why else would G.W. visit that state so often? To help out the Republican to win. Sure I'm a registered Republican, but you need to ask your self what exactly happened. And now the Democrats can only have a write in for their party.
This truly sounds like some sort of coverup.
If you had better tools, you could more effectively demonstrate your total incompetence.