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Comment Re:Boy Scout Camp... (Score 1) 791

ya know, that's a damn shame. I joined scouts in first grade as a tiger cub and stuck with it all the way through Eagle scout when I was almost 18. I still, to this day, remain at least slightly active in my troop as an adult leader. I learned so much and had so many great experiences through scouts and it pisses me off no end that they feel it necessary to exclude boys from the program due to their religious beliefs or sexual orientation. In my troop we had Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and yes, even a couple of atheists. We also had a few guys who were flamingly gay. Guess what, no one ever tried to convert me or lure me into some torrid homosexual love fest. I hate to rant, but it pisses me off that the national leadership of the BSA is effectively publicizing itself as a bigoted organization. I know quite a few parents with young sons who won't allow them to join scouts because of the bad publicity the organization has gotten. And, frankly, I don't really blame them. It's just a damn shame that those kids will miss out on a lot of great times because of a few closed minded pricks running the show.

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