lurking_giant writes:
GE Aviation's Additive Development Center near Cincinnati has produced a number of firsts... but they are now demonstrating a working jet engine, http://www.computerworld.com/a... (OK, it's sized for an RC model) The engine turns at 33,000 RPM and is made from all 3D metal printed parts.
They used the same EOS M270 http://www.eos.info/systems_so... 3D printer that they use to produce the first and only FAA flight approved hardware, a T25 Pres and temp sensor for use in GE90 jumbo jet engines. http://www.engineering.com/3DP...
lurking_giant writes:
The Seattle Times is reporting that the Men's 500 meter speed skating was delayed or more than an hour Monday evening by the breakdown of the 2 ice grooming machines at the skating oval. The real story is that the machines that failed were the latest state of the art Resurfice — Fume Free Electric Groomers leased to the Olympics committee. An old propane powered Zamboni had to be brought out to fix the ice. This makes 2 nights in a row with ice re-surfacing machine failures.If you're going to spend twice as much on electric devices to replace non green designs at least test the things first.
lurking_giant writes:
In a report on NewScientist.com, Researchers working on development of a space elevator ("Fountains of Paradise" by Aurther C. Clark) have determined that the concept is not stable. Coriolis force on the moving climbers would cause side loading that would make stability extremely difficult while solar wind would cause shifting loads on the geostationary midpoint. All of this would likely make it necessary to add thrusters, which would consume fuel and negate the benefits of the concept.
"There's no limit to what you can accomplish, if you don't demand credit!" Author Unknown
lurking_giant writes:
According to Reuters, Swedish research shows that a diet rich in fat, sugar and cholesterol could increase the risk of Alzheimer's. At least in rats. "These mice showed chemical changes in their brains, indicating an abnormal build-up of the protein tau as well as signs that cholesterol in food reduced levels of another protein called Arc involved in memory storage". So maybe that pile of fast food bags, candy wrappers and soda cans should be a warning. Get out of the basement and eat healthy and exercise.
"There's no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't demand credit"... Author Unknown.