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Comment Re:If we wanted to replace C++, we would have used (Score 2) 185

D introduces some awesome language features, its templating/meta programming abilities are fantastic. However it will never be a replacement for C++, between the multi headed monster that is memory management in D, limited c++ link compatibility( D is single inheritance, full compatibility would require multi-inheritance atleast for imported classes), poor early decision in development(D class member functions are virtual by default rather then final by default). And before its brought up, GC isn't necessary a deal breaker, but between the slowness of their stop the world conservative GC, and joke level support for @NOGC on main, or use any library that uses the GC, bam no more control. Their may or may not be parts of the standard library that still dep on the GC. Regardless of your position of GC's, they need to pick one, and considering they want to call themselves a "systems level language" I would suggest they dump it. For now I suspect the that D will remain used by a narrow band of users, the largest being sociamatics companies, and high frequency traders on wall-street, and be used by very few others. A good indication of a language to replace C++ would be to look at the minimum boot strap library for the standard library, The stuff need for basic compilation, memory management, low level operator hooks, the minimum for the "new" operator and class constructors to work etc. etc. C++ has very little, D has a minimum of around 6,000 lines.

Comment Re: Recent History (Score 1) 95

That is difficult todo, I mean yes a government could easily do this, but it squeezes low margin companies much more then high margin companies. Designing it so that it is fair is very very difficult.

Imagine a 10% gross revenue tax, when your margin is 2%. You either have to jack your prices through the roof or go out of business.

Income taxes used to work, because the taxed amount is based purely on the gain. Governments need to start having a much dimmer view of profit transferring schemes.

Perhaps a scheme of calculating the difference between total sales, and a reasonable "net wholesale value" of sold goods, could be used as a way to calculate a revenue tax.

Comment Re:Self created problem. (Score 2) 90

I would argue that Kotlin is vastly better then Java, so in that regard the lawyers have improved the situation by forcing a change here.

Rust isn't a replacement for Java, Unless Rust can be compiled to an vm/bytecode environment such as JVM that has been ported to every platform ever.

Also Rust doesn't have classes, among many many other features. The whole point of the language is to not have any features that inflict a cost when unneeded(such as class vtables for virual functions). Personally I don't mind it, but the cultish community isn't worth dealing with.

Comment Re:No, math doesn't work out (Score 2) 238

Remember that UBI would increase consumer spending by $1-2 Trillion dollars per year, This would create a huge number of jobs, UBI also replaces several other bits of government policy or otherwise reduces their size.

The minimum wage could be lowered.

Unemployment benefits could be reduced, likely still need some amount of this but its cost would be drastically reduced.

Foodstamps, WIC, etc. would no longer be needed.

Interest rates would be lower as the risk of individual bankruptcy would be lower.

The poor and middle class would have better opportunity to seek out better situations, how people are distributed through out the economy would completely change.

Comment Re:More is less, less is more (Score 1) 95

Huge amount of the land in SLC is owned by the LDS church and pays no property tax., In fact Utah has the highest rate of land exempt from property tax due to religious exemption in the Nation.

Our public transit sucks not because their isn't the revenue to support it, it sucks because the Utah legislature is very very hostile towards mass transit, or anything that isn't spending on roads. We kept expanding the highways only to see induced demand bring the traffic situation back to where is started. The new US-89 conversion to an highway is only projected to solve the traffic issue for 2 years at current growth rates. The money being spent on that project is significantly more that what double tracking our inter-city train system(front runner), and adding more in city lines(UTA trax) would have cost. Hell the Fed would have helped to pay for the train expansions, but Utah likes to take stances against getting some of its tax money back.

Comment Works in Utah (Score 1) 50

Utopia 10 Gigabit synchronous to the HOME fiber. Fastest net in the USA, uses Ethernet rather then gpon, only provides the wires, internet service is delivered via providers to purchase access to the network, giving us a large number of ISP's to pick from.

We have genuine competition here, SOLELY due to the local government's running a open provider network, Any provider can use the fiber wire in the ground here.

Utopia finely doing really well after years of BS lawsuits from UTA(utah taxpayers association, aka lobbying group for qwest/centurylink and comcast), centurylink(at the time), and comcast, and interference from the State legislature(bought off by said lobbying).

Let me repeat that BEST NET in the USA is in UTAH, on GOVERNMENT owned wires.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 277

But what did the majority of those people *do* with the extra time that they had? Spend tax payer money on anything they like.

That is fancy parlance for "contribute to the employment/profit opportunities of the more interested". You understand that right?, The act of buying suggests in all likelihood someone else is selling something. Someone had to make that something, Someone had to acquire the materials for that something. In most UBI studies people use the money for pursuing education, starting a business, taking different jobs, or early retirement. And the taking different jobs bit falls into a couple of categories, Some people has the money to hand pauses in employment income to get into a better position, and some people reduce their working hours or happily fill lower wage jobs for reduced stress levels. Very few simply stop contributing to society,

Comment Re:Won't end well (Score 1) 103

Yes, EA currently makes money

I wouldn't be so sure of that, they toke some pretty nasty write downs after anthem's failure, And I heavily suspect that selling gambling to children ("loot boxes","surprise mechanics"), is going to be made illegal in most places. Depending on the quarter the only profitable part of EA, is their sports games. And that is in jeopardy due to point above.

Comment Re:Long time Gestapo collaborator... (Score 1) 463

Here in the USA we never delt with our nazi collaborators, they all faded into the wood work once the war started. Many of them where among the rich and wealthy and politically connected, or where in politics from the get go.

The eugenics movement actually started here in the United States and not in Germany, one of our Southern states had a policy of sterilizing inmates in asylums in the state.

Many of our mega wealthy made large donations to the Nazi's, Henry Ford paid to have their uniforms designed and made in the early 1930's.

Those that believe in that sort of madness have just been biding their time.

Comment so many options (Score 1) 144

This article should be a poll. I mean Enterprise warp engine noise, maybe the TARDIS, plain Chevy V8, or perhaps something funny like extra loud fart noises(you listening Elon, I want a farting Tesla!!!). I imagine the range of what people would choose might make the noise less effective, as people wouldn't know what to listen for.

Comment Re:DNS over HTTPS (Score 1) 104

I use DoH with currently via pihole, works fine. That is to say, the cert may be issued with a domain, but the connecting client is under no requirement to reject it without a domain reference on its side of the request. The cert itself can still be verified against the upstream certs, and via its ca certificate.

The Latest Claim To Satoshi Nakamoto is the 'Stupidest One Yet' (thenextweb.com) 63

An anonymous reader shares a report: For years, Faketoshis have been fighting to claim the Bitcoin throne, trying to make us all believe they were responsible for the cryptocurrency's creation. But things took a different turn this weekend after an unknown person(s) decided it was time to reveal their identity as the 'real' Satoshi Nakomoto in a three-part blog post series. Possibly exhausted by peoples' previous attempts to do the same, and having noticed several significant inconsistencies in the person's writing, it didn't take long for Bitcoin Twitter to react and call Faketoshi's claims into question. Further reading: How the NSA Identified Satoshi Nakamoto (2017);
Bizarre New Theories Emerge About Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto (2019);
The CIA 'Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny' It Has Documents on Satoshi Nakamoto (2018);
Craig Wright Claims He's Satoshi Nakamoto, the Creator Of Bitcoin (2016);
Former Bitcoin Developer Shares Early Satoshi Nakamoto Emails (2017);
He Says He Invented Bitcoin and Is Suing Those Who Doubt Him (2019);
Elon Musk Says He Is Not Bitcoin's Satoshi Nakamoto (2017);
Satoshi Nakamoto Found? Not So Fast (2014);
Bitcoin Releases Version 0.3 (2010).

Comment actually (Score 2) 142

That argument hasn't really worked sense the Pentium 4, and is completely moot if I posted from a phone or other such device using a ARMv8 code which is very much CISC, contrary to the to its very name. ARMv8 has address modes, built in stack control and isn't a fixed size instruction encoding, AKA its cisc.

As for x86 instructions are decoded into a wide and fixed size format that needs little or no further decoding one it hits the scheduler/execution part of the pipeline, easily 4 bytes just for the opcode address(or more if its decoding directly to slots), 2-4 bytes for register addresses(remember modern uarch's need register windows to handle out of order return and handle speculative execution etc, so the internet number of registers and hense the register file are larger then whats exposed to the top level byte code).

Having a byte code that exposes opportunities for instruction level parallelism, is more compact in critical sections, is important. Also don't look at x86 as the finest example of CISC, x86 is a mess, Look to IBM Zseries, or ARMv8.

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