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Comment Expectations... (Score 1) 127

I love AD, but I am quite ready to be disappointed. I suspect these so-called new "episodes" will just be some kind of mock promotional short content made to create some hoopla and... in short, a publicity stunt. Not real episodes.

Now, are American Idol and DWTS really that cheap to make? I've read that the judges, celebrities either we like it or not, make some pretty high salaries for just sitting there and going all blah blah blah about whatever it is they talk about in these shows. Doesn't seem so cheap to me.

The news for nerds angle: Netflix may kiss my ass until Linux is supported. I will get my copies in teh torrents and watch the episodes for free simply because that will be the only way for me. I wouldn't install Windows just to see Arrested Development, even if Portia de Rossi were completely naked in it.

Comment Reply to a post (Score 1) 4

This is in reply to a comment posted in an article. I thought it would be a lot more appropriate to discuss it here:

Re:Money goes where money wants to go (Score:0)

by Anonymous Coward on Wed April 24, 2013 14:52 (#43538657)

I just took a look at your idea. On the whole - it's good! I'll try to be quick but the problem is outside the idea. It's execution.

1) As a senior dev with some 20 years of experience, I can say for certain that if you intend to complete this after only 1 year, then some of the key requirements are out of reach. Period. The discussion of which and why is a long conversation, but let's just say you're not yet aware of certain stumbling blocks for this type of project. Regardless of how motivated and smart you are, it's going to take longer than what you are proposing.

2) This means that some of what you're doing will have to be cut. It's going to take for you time to discover what those parts are. You may abandon the project because of these set backs.

3) A picture is worth a thousand words. If you only do a mock-up, it will still show that you actually do something. A prototype would be better. Regardless, without it, you're just talking and there is no indication you have what it takes to do even the parts which will be relatively easy.

You are in good company, however. I taught a university course in software design a few years ago. The final project for the course was to put all the principles taught in class into action. So, they had to come up with an idea and produce prototypes that could be iteratively improved on. Sadly, most projects contained plans for impossible leaps in development, and the students had no idea the leaps were there. Chalk it up to a completely reasonable lack of experience and a lack of time.

Back to you. Obviously you can't know what you don't know. But this isn't a class project, this is life. In proposing a project, if you want it to fly then you have to manage the unknown leaps. They don't have to be worked out right away, but they have to be realistically charted so they won't block you, kill your project, and make a mess of *everything*.

Word to the wise. As it stands, your project won't fly and you're better off not trying to make it work. Don't give up. Build prototypes - mockups - whatever. You will discover the unknowns. You will change the project. Build something, show it, and if it's good, sure, I'll drop kickstarter type money for you to go after those unknowns, because at that point there's something I already like and there's an assurance that you can deliver.

Like I said at the top, you have a good idea. Go for it.

Thank you for the comment!

I will not try to contradict you in general, but I think it's only fair and just that I explain why the project would work, contrary to your beliefs:

1) None of what I have proposed is out of reach in 1 year. I am in fact planning to finish almost all of it in 6 to 8 months, taking into account that I may take rather 10 to 12 months TOPS. I know because I have most of the functionality figured out.

There is some part of the story I didn't tell, but I will tell it now. I have been trying to make this editor for NINE YEARS. What has prevented me? Simple: it requires a lot of concentration and - this is key - continuity. It just does not work when I am digging deep in the code for one or two days then I have to interrupt it for several days because a client is contacting me with paid work. After 3, 4, 6, maybe even 10 days doing something else, I don't remember anymore what the hell I was doing in the code. So I would spend one entire day just reading my own code and figuring out where I was, and how all the things were supposed to work together.

I insisted, but the interruptions would happen over and over. I eventually gave up for months. Then I would give it another go, and it would all happen again. I felt discouraged, so I gave up again for weeks or months. Then I tried again. Then I would lose focus again because of my work. Again and again and again. I eventually gave up for years.

Another part of the story: I had two other more important applications to make, for my own interest, related to my work. They would help me greatly. But they involved some of the most complicated concepts and some even more complicated than the ones I intend to include in the editor. Guess what, I never finished any of them, for the same reasons stated above.

However, in the midst of these many attempts, I protoyped pretty much ALL of the functionality I intend to include in the editor. They just weren't well implemented because, you know, of the trouble I described before. But it was clear that I could handle them. And each one of them cost me a week or less. Changing the color of EVERYTHING (background, fonts, widgets, title bar etc.) and saving it all in like "themes" cost me two or three days. One of the features I needed involved something I don't want to specify here, but it somewhat resembled syntax highlighting. That was by far the most difficult one, I couldn't really finish it after a week, but please notice in my indiegogo project page that I mention that syntax highlighting will be left for the later stages of the project. That's because I KNOW what I am talking about. I know that will be difficult. I am honest. I am responsible. The rest no, the rest will not be difficult and I know it. I have prototypes. Poorly written ones, incomplete, but that's because I lacked the one thing I am trying to obtain: peace. Peace and quiet and ability to focus on nothing but coding for many months straight, without worrying that bills have to be paid so I have to stop coding and do something else that supports me. When I have that, my production will fly and 1 year will be plenty of time.

3) A picture. I've been asked that before, but what good would a picture do? If people keep insisting on that, I will have to post a white rectangle with some black text that reads "Hello, world" because that's what it's going to look like. Unless the user changes the background and font colors. What else? A fake toolbar? What for? Toolbars all look alike, I am not going to innovate in that part. The app will be innovative in behavior, usability, fine details that can be described very well in words (which I think I have done), but cannot be described in a picture. Not all pictures are worth a thousand words. Some pictures aren't worth a whisper. At any rate, thank you for the comments. At least now I know that someone has seen it. I was feeling invisible, like a ghost or something...

Comment Re:Don't quit your day job (Score 1) 4

1) The concept of "mature" is debatable. For example, calling me a brain dead Brazilian monkey is not mature by any standards.

2) Quite a few editors may be considered mature in the sense that they're ready for consumption, but almost all of them are horrible. I just know of a good one for Mac and two good ones for Windows. But I still think they are not good enough, I can do better. They are not cross-platform either.

3) None of the existing ones I have seen so far would be suitable to receive my "changes" except the very, very basic ones, like Notepad or Leafpad. Heck, I might as well start a new one from scratch. I can crank out a Leafpad from scratch in two or three days. The other features I have in mind would take a lot longer, of course.

4) If I thought "the FOSS way" were any good, I wouldn't be proposing anything, especially because there would be no need.

Comment Kmail is a trap (Score 1) 464

I loved Kmail until KDE 4 was introduced and I decided I didn't want that bloatware anymore and learned the hard way that:

1) You can't have any KDE app without the whole huge crapload of KDE, so it's a major liability

2) Migrating from Kmail to another email client is not a walk in the park.

My advice: even if you use KDE and love it, get a less compromising email client. If you want to leave one day, you won't have to worry about migrating your email.

Comment Re:ASCII? (Score 1) 464

I need help configuring mine. Mine supports neither UTF-8 nor HTML. I still keep claws mail installed just so I can read the occasional stinky HTML mail I get from my "normal" friends.

The lack of UTF-8 has an advantage, though. One of my mailboxes gets lots of spam that I clean by running capital D then looking for \?\?\?\?. That deletes more than 90% of the junk. Now if those characters ever become real characters... I'll be in trouble.

Comment Re:Haiku will be Linux for the desktop (Score 1) 117

You post as AC and I am the troll???

Look, people need some kind of incentive to use anything, and first impressions are critical. When people see an OS that looks like it's 18 years old, they will not like it, they will most certainly not find any reason to use it.

Even if they do, what about hardware and drivers? Linux fights an uphill battle to support as much hardware diversity as possible, and pretty much succeeds because there is a lot of people working on it. Haiku has a very small community, badly understaffed already. They can't afford to support hardware. That is sure to put a terrible hamper on any "year of the Haiku desktop" idea.

Look at the BSD projects. My Wifi NIC works fine on every Linux distro I have tried with this computer (many), but it won't work on NetBSD. NetBSD has been understaffed for a loooong time.

It's just reality: making an OS, as in a really full and complete OS that works and provides a decent user experience, is a gigantic task. Linux does pretty well because it has a very large community.

And, back to first impressions: projects that are constantly focused "on the future" with little regard for the present don't usually get much love as well. We've been hearing nerds say that BSDs are extremely well planned, solid, clean, made by perfectionists, everything else is crap etc... But what happens every time I try a BSD? There is always something that doesn't work, is not supported, is not complete, is being worked on (for many years, mind you). The day I can actually use it and rely on it without hassles never comes. Holy mackarel, that day never comes! It always is, and seems it will always be an endless promise for the future. Maybe Linux's fart doesn't smell like roses, but heck, it works! At this glacial pace, Haiku has been already sending a bad message for a long time, bad enough that many people will not even bother trying it. Why would they? What's the incentive?

Comment Re:Haiku will be Linux for the desktop (Score 1) 117

Shenanigans. I tested it a couple of years ago and was definitely unimpressed. It's not godawful ugly, but it's not that pretty either. It is in fact clearly outdated, old-fashioned, obsolete. It is clearly based on Windows 95, only worse. Add little choice in applications and obviously poor hardware support, and this will never be anything more than a hobby for lonely nerds with nothing to do on a Saturday night.

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