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Comment Argumentative techniques aren't sickening (Score 1) 217

I also think it is alarming that you bring murder of a human in analogy with potential losses of money.

It's not an analogy, it's a clarifying simplification. The original argument was basically "Distributing information which enables people to do X is not wrong, because the wrongness of distributing information is independent of X." It's perfectly legitimate to substitute the most "wrong" thing imaginable for X to debate the merit of that statement. If a fundamental difference does exist between the substitution of "murder" and "copyright infringement", then the original argument has been invalidated due to the revealed dependence on X.

life>money. You may not agree, and if so, I would pity you.

life>money seems pretty substanceless for such a bold-sounding statement. Even if life is your only terminal value, money still has instrumental power to save it. So how much life is better than how much money? If you refuse to admit the existence of a conversion rate between the two, you limit your own potential to save life (and whatever else you care about enough to claim that it's ">money"), and I would pity you.


Submission + - Users, Web developers vent over IE7

Spinlock_1977 writes: "ComputerWorld is running a story about developers frustration with IE 7, and Microsoft's upcoming plans (or lack thereof) for it. From the article:

But the most pointed comment came from someone labeled only as dk. "You all continue to underestimate the dramatic spillover effect this poor developer experience has had and will continue to have on your other products and services. Let me drive this point home. I am a front-end programmer and a co-founder of a start-up. I can tell you categorically that my team won't download and play with Silverlight ... won't build a Live widget ... won't consider any Microsoft search or ad products in the future."

Submission + - Global Warming Only a Theory, Says School Board

BendingSpoons writes: "A Seattle school board has placed a moratorium on screenings of "An Inconvenient Truth", having found its subject matter too controversial. Echoing the language of the evolution debate, the school board found that students must be told that global warming is only a theory and presented with an opposing viewpoint. The ban was prompted by the complaints of a parent: "'Condoms don't belong in school, and neither does Al Gore. He's not a schoolteacher,' said Frosty Hardison, a parent of seven who also said that he believes the Earth is 14,000 years old. 'The information that's being presented is a very cockeyed view of what the truth is. ... The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in the DVD.'""

Submission + - OLPC says no plans for consumer release

Gr88pe writes: The One Laptop Per Child product has clarified that they have not made a decision on whether or not to carry out a consumer release of the XO laptop, despite previous reports. From the article, "OLPC told Ars Technica in a statement that the company has no plans for a consumer version of the laptop. 'Contrary to recent reports, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is not planning a consumer version of its current XO laptop, designed for the poorest and most remote children in the world,' said Nicholas Negroponte, OLPC chairman." They are considering a number of plans, but have made no formal decision.

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