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Comment Infrastructure (Score 4, Interesting) 284

Not an expert, but it seems like the hardest part of this is building the infrastructure for it in a way that is indeed walled-off from the regular internet without sharing any of the pipes. Given the limitations to use, would SafeNet ISPs enjoy the same returns as Internet ISPs do? Does this have to be funded by the government to work? I don't have any answers, only additional questions. But I like the concept, generally.

Comment Next step: colonizing the galaxy (Score 2) 118

All we have to do now is combine this with artificial wombs and automate the whole thing in seed ships spreading humanity to neighboring stars...

The only question is who raises the newborns in the seed ship. How many adults do we need to have around? Perhaps a generational with only half a dozen people at any given time but that can spawn thousands once it arrives at the chosen destination.

I can't be the first to think of this concept. Can anyone recommend a sci-fi novel that describes a similar idea?

Comment Re:Why listen to financial analysts at all? (Score 1) 232

Funny thing is, The Big Short was a great movie up until it started preaching on how greed led to the so-called collapse of the financial system. Here's the thing, the subprime mortgage crisis wasn't caused because bankers were greedy. I can think of at least three parties to blame before them:
  1. 1. credit agencies, who effectively defrauded everyone by assigning AAA rating to junk securities, when their sole job is to assess the risk of a security and slap a sticker on it warning investors
  2. 2. realtors, who sold mortgages to people who really couldn't afford them
  3. 3. people, who bought mortgages they really couldn't afford (think of the stripper who had 5 condos in the movie)

Bankers were investing the money of their clients to get a return. That's what they are *supposed* to do. Yet everyone blames them because it's so much easier to say "BOO CAPITALISM!" and have a bigger target to fear than to admit that we brought this whole thing onto ourselves.

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