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Comment Re:Where "we" is people with US-based credit cards (Score 1, Interesting) 136

Was about to ask where in the world are signatures still used for credit cards.
I haven't signed a card receipt for a long, loooong time (maybe in the early 2000's ? I really don't recall).
Today, everywhere is either insert card and tap your pin, or just pay with cards (or phones) with NFC.
I myself don't use NFC for payment, I don't think it's secure, especially in uncivilized countries like mine. Heard some horror stories from friends who lost their card, only to find out thousands missing from their account the following day.

Comment Why are updates usually bad? (Score 4, Interesting) 76

One thing I learned: when there is an update to something, it's usually for the worse. Useful features get removed, unneeded bloat is added, interface becomes a mess, settings are lost, and so on. Sure, not always, but most of the times, at least for me, these kinds of updates / redesigns are very bad.

Comment No worries (Score 1) 60

Soon the software industry willl make that as slow as today's computers.
Computers today are about 1000 times faster and have about 1000 times more memory than computers from the late 90's.
And somehow, for doing the same things we used to do back then, things doesn't seem a bit faster.
Like... why do I need a 16gb computer to be able to browse the internet without the browser taking over all of my ram? Why is Windows tens of GB in size?
Sure, lots of things have improved, but... I still have the sensation things got out of hand somewhere in the early 2000's.

Comment Re:Chrome, the little browser that... (Score 1) 62

Had to add 8 more GB of RAM to my PC because 8GB just aren't enough for Chrome.
Every now and then, Gmail itself uses over 1GB. Feedly and Whatsapp Web tend to accumulate RAM over time too.
A few more tabs, and there goes all my memory.
I kinda got used to opening top, sorting by 'M'emory and killing the top 2 or 3 memory hungry processes. I even try to bet which tabs will be killed when I kill them.

Comment 10 years!?!? (Score 1) 219

10 years?
In some modern frameworks, I can't run stuff that was coded 3 months ago without changes.
Updates on a billion dependencies, API version no longer supported, and so on.
I wonder when exactly was the point where things started to derail so much. I so miss stable code that you could run a decade later.

Comment Re:Online Advertising Response (Score 2) 369

It also makes Facebook apps harder to code, because all of them are opened inside an iframe.
The app inside the iframe relies on setting cookies to keep the session alive, but this won't work anymore because of this policy.
Yes, there are a few workarounds for that, as in "redirect to app domain on _top, set a cookie, and then redirect back to facebook", but that's far from ideal.
I've had to do this because of Safari so that the app would work correctly.

Comment Re:Fair for the goose... (Score 4, Informative) 476

Just as a sidenote, Android Jelly Bean axes USB Mass Storage, in favor of MTP.

The main problem with block device level access is that you can't access it from 2 places simultaneously, so it means the filesystem must be unmounted from the phone to be mounted on the PC.

Yes, USB Mass Storage support is everywhere, and getting MTP to work isn't as easy, but I guess it will get better fast.

Comment Re:"Boosted"? (Score 1) 44

This I don't understand - I, too, dislike/don't use facebook chat, but I have turned it off once and haven't had it reset on me. Also, it appears to be a server-side setting, as logging in with other browsers/other machines keeps me offline with the list minimized. If yours keeps getting reset, that's a perfect time to open a bug with facebook devs (which is easy, and they amazingly do respond).

Excuse me, but how do you open a bug with facebook devs?
A couple months ago, a website of mine was being hit by facebook bot about a hundred times per second, all asking for the same url.
I tried to find a way to contact them, but couldn't.. the only form I found was not working (the ajax loader popped when submitting, and then it wouldn't complete).
I managed to work around it by banning facebook bot with an apache rule, but that wasn't ideal.

Comment Re:Don't waste your time with GNOME 3.6 (Score 1) 230

Yes... forgot about focus-follows-mouse. With the mac-like menu, it's almost impossible to use it.
Also, when using 2 monitors, I found myself stuck with the Unity bar in the middle of my 2 monitors (well, in the left of each of them), which also sucked.
I use only a few icons in the desktop (mainly folders for quick access), and never use a window maximized, so they are not normally in front of them.
About the virtual desktops, I usually have a layout of my own, like:
#1 - browser in left monitor, terminal and pidgin in the right
#2 - big browser in left monitoring my servers, transmission and audacious in right monitor
#3 - usually a windows xp opened in virtual box so I can test things in IE (i'm a web dev)
#4 - left for any other stuff needed (sometimes libreoffice, or maybe gimp)
A few years back, some kde using friends would always mock me about gnome being so uncustomizable. I wonder what they would think about Unity.
It might be good for a tablet, or for a netbook, but I can't imagine myself using it on a full-blown desktop pc.

Comment Re:Don't waste your time with GNOME 3.6 (Score 2) 230

Well, I tried it without Unity, but Gnome 3 was a mess for me. I felt a huge loss in productivity. Some things were missing. For example, I use emblems (in Nautilus) to organize some documents, flagging them (mostly banking documents, flagging them as "paid", "late", and so on). Also missed Compiz, not for the bells and whistles, but for desktop switching (mouse scrolling on the desktop background), and for instant screenshots of an area. I used ctrl-shift and marked the area I wanted, and a script I wrote would scp it to a public server and show the url with zenity. It's nice to be able to send instant shots to people on IMs like this.
I still couldn't make Compiz work nicely with MATE on Mint, but I did manage a workaround for the screenshot thingie (using 'scrot'), but I lost the desktop switching (must scroll in virtual desktop applet in the panel), but it's more acceptable than Gnome 3 (at least for me).
I can say I went to the new Ubuntu with an open mind to really try to like Unity or Gnome 3, but after 2 days running, I was so pissed off I almost installed Windows. I am ok with changes, provided the changes make me work better with my computer.

Comment Re:Don't waste your time with GNOME 3.6 (Score 5, Interesting) 230

I second that.
I abandoned Ubuntu after it incorporated Unity. My loss of productivity was too big to continue using it. I was used to a functional desktop with Gnome 2. Gnome 3 is bad enough, but Unity? There is no way in hell I'm sticking with that. Hell, it's so bad I even thought about using Windows, and that's really something for someone who's been using Linux for about 17 years.
I found out Mint, a very nice distro, based on Ubuntu, made by people like me who couldn't stand Ubuntu+Unity. 2 flavores there, one using MATE (a fork of Gnome 2), and another running Cinnamon (a fork of Gnome 3, customized to look and function like Gnome 2).
I'm really happy after the switch. I'm back to having a functional desktop. I still miss Compiz for some stuff (screen glitches and some things missing), but I can live without it. I'm not going back to Ubuntu, or "upgrading" to Gnome 3.x.
After being bashed by so many people, I really don't know what Gnome devs got on their minds. We used to have something wonderful, and they stick going in the wrong direction (IMO, of course).

Comment Re:Wrong summary (Score 1) 100

No need to offend me. I migrated as soon as I received the first email, but I didn't know some services wouldn't be available after the migration.
For instance, when I try to access http://plus.google.com/, I get the following message:

"Google+ is not yet available for Google Apps. Learn More.
Thanks for your patience!"

And the "Learn More" links here: http://www.google.com/support/plus/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1407609

So, it's not a problem about me knowing how to use the Internet... it just doesn't support Google Apps... yet.
Of course, I could create a new Gmail address just for it, but it's just lame that I can't use my 12 year old email address for it anymore.

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