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Comment Re:Pre-1952? (Score 1) 100

Actually, world wide there are reports which go back thousands of years. UFOs are even documented in art work from The Renaissance and by well known scholars. Even Christopher Columbus documents a UFO sighting in his journals as he sought the new world.

More likely why there is no documentation before 1952 is because of the same reason its true (with varying dates) all around the world. Before such a time, no one was charged with recording such sightings.

And for what its worth, crash sites are also reported long before Roswell. Others are reported all over the world, even including Germany, several decades before WWII.

I don't get why you linked to the Wikipedia article about the Renaissance, but this link is a lot more valid to your argument.

Comment why? (Score 1) 168

why spend so much time and money making all of these devices hearing-aid compatible? why not just make the hearing-aids device compatible? install bluetooth receiver in hearing aid. problem solved.

Submission + - Verizon Eliminating Unlimited Data Plans This Year (

loafula writes: Looks like Verizon is going the way of AT&T by eliminating their unlimited data plans and switching to a tiered only plan by the year's end. Everybody take a good look at your contracts, this will be a nice opportunity to jump ship without the hefty fee.

Comment Re:Culprit ? (Score 4, Interesting) 376

I was Army and when I watched it, I couldn't get past the fact it took place in 2004 and not only was someone playing an Xbox 360 on a 32" LCD TV, they were playing Gears of War (released 2007). That and the fact everybody was wearing the ACUs (Army Combat Uniform-the grey pixelly one) and not the DCUs (Desert Combat Uniform), which were not all that common until 2005. Didn't notice the cereal though!

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