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Comment Re:Solution: Build housing in SF (Score 1) 218

I have never understood this penchant for having workplaces many kilometres (or miles if you must) away from where people live. I can understand not wanting to live near polluting industry but a tech office, or financial office, and such, shouldn't be polluting except perhaps with the noise generated by the presence of people and supporting commercial operations such as cafes and so forth.

That said, the dead hand of capitalism or the market will basically fix this problem in the long run; eventually the real estate is likely to become so inexpensive to renovate or rebuild that some corporation - or even a government (but I wouldn't hold my breath here - governments in the USA seem to be spectacularly hopeless at doing any public works) - will find an incentive to try something new and innovative out, such as "building housing in SF such that workers don't need to commute into the city and/or far to where they work".

Comment Look Out Martians!!!! (Score 1) 65

Well, in Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" the martians' had their butts kicked by bacteria when arriving from earth; now we think that bacteria can survive space flight. Wouldn't be the first time that we would spread bacteria to new places when colonising places where "nothing" exists right?

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