Why are spending any energy or time on this stupid insignificant plight of the straw! OMG ponies!!! The amount of media attention and completely insignificant results from doing anything with straws is such a waste. How about we instead:
Promote and forward nuclear, every state should be building 2-10 nuclear plants immediately.
All new construction should be required to have a heat pump water heater, 20 SEER HVAC, and 5-20KW of solar.
Ban all single use, non biodegradable, non renewable generated, and non domestically produced plastic and all styrofoam from anywhere that sells it for immediate consumption. Or tax the hell out of it, all proceeds go to environmental cleanup. Note this still allows a path for plastic in the market, if it is biodegradable and uses oil from a renewable source, and is domestically manufactured. (This ensures our laws control its production and environmental costs are not outsourced)