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Comment Re: This sucks so much (Score 1) 687

The dems should run the most conservative candidate they can find. That would entice republican and right leaning independent voters to the democrats. They already have liberals and democrat voters, just out of their hatred of Trump, so putting up Harris or Newsome does them absolutely no good. It is not an advantage, it is not tactical.

Comment Huge trade off (Score 4, Insightful) 35

Huge negative tradeoffs to be underwater. Expensive deployment, expensive maintenance, expensive enclosure, expensive retrieval. Temperature regulation on land is not that difficult, and if nitrogen makes that big of a difference then you can do that on land as well. Or so both by submerging in mineral oil. All of the extra cost in either case probably is not worth saving a few servers, after 5 years the servers value is close to 0.

Comment How about some accountability (Score 4, Insightful) 62

The company should be fined $1M per ton spilled. All money going to cleanup costs and if there is leftover then into an environmental fund. The captain should go to prison and lose his license permanently. All crew should also be penalized to a much lesser extent, perhaps 10 hours of environmental cleanup per ton spilled. All executive members of the company should be fined as well.

Comment Or we spend our energy on something useful (Score 5, Interesting) 105

Why are spending any energy or time on this stupid insignificant plight of the straw! OMG ponies!!! The amount of media attention and completely insignificant results from doing anything with straws is such a waste. How about we instead:

Promote and forward nuclear, every state should be building 2-10 nuclear plants immediately.

All new construction should be required to have a heat pump water heater, 20 SEER HVAC, and 5-20KW of solar.

Ban all single use, non biodegradable, non renewable generated, and non domestically produced plastic and all styrofoam from anywhere that sells it for immediate consumption. Or tax the hell out of it, all proceeds go to environmental cleanup. Note this still allows a path for plastic in the market, if it is biodegradable and uses oil from a renewable source, and is domestically manufactured. (This ensures our laws control its production and environmental costs are not outsourced)

Comment Feedback loop (Score 2) 192

The next set of billionaires pay to go see the Titan wreckage, and eventually wreck, creating another wreckage, leading to more and more expeditions to see wreckages, and so on. At some point the reduction in billionaires to see wreckages levels out or stops, unless technology makes it cheaper, then a much larger pool of customers exists, and the expansion continues

Comment Pissing into the ocean (Score 0) 77

This is such a waste of time, talk about doing nothing but attention seeking. Want to make a REAL difference. How about legislation banning non biodegradable restaurant packaging? Thatâ(TM)s 40-80 MILLION TONS of waste a year. Compared to all of the balloons sold 1365 tons of waste. Thatâ(TM)s 0.003%. 1 chick fil a probably creates more styrofoam waste in a year than all the balloons sold in the entire us.

Comment Cost is 1/3 of world GDP to erase humanities carbo (Score 1) 131

0.77 * 32 / 122 = 0.2 KWh/ton
0.2 * 1000 KWh/MWh $0.10 = $20/ton
1.6T * $0.02 = $32T at theoretical maximum efficiency

humans have pumped about 1.6 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Given their theoretical cheapest figure of 32 kJ/mol-CO2

World/Gross domestic product
96.51 trillion USD (2021)

the team says its technique requires an energy input of 122 kJ/mol, equating by our math to 0.77 mWh per ton. And the team is confident it can do even better: "Though our base energy consumption of 122 kJ/mol-CO2 is a record-low," reads the study, "it may still be substantially decreased towards the thermodynamic limit of 32 kJ/mol-CO2


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