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Comment Re:Emotion and tradition over evidence and logic (Score 1) 66

And if you ask most serious economists they'll tell you the same thing: while there might be some short-term hiccups when a whole bunch of immigrants show up at once, in the long run, throughout history, immigration is good for countries.

No... immigration is good for the *economy*.... just by the definition that it increases demand for goods and services and thus overall GDP. This, however, does not mean that it's good for the country or that an economy depending on growth is sustainable or healthy.

Comment Re:profits (Score 1) 51

Yea, I agree, but there should be more required severance pay imho - companies are far to free to do layoffs and then immediately hire again within the same year, which is just ridiculous - the reason for layoffs should be what you said and not stock schemes or cycling employees to maintain cheaper workers.

Comment Re:Local access (Score 1) 135

Everyone is just going to ignore that the people will all the expertise are still there... you think China is just going to let them leave? They'll have their families threatened and them fixing the machines within a week. The tech really needs to start to be moved offshore, which sucks for Taiwan, but it's a pretty huge single-point-of-failure for the rest of the world right now.

Comment Re:Real inflation and the theft of wages (Score 1) 54

The series comes from the 'Current Population Survey (Household Survey)'

Thing is, I hate when people use household data for salary info... that's totally bunk, it should be per-earner with a SINGLE job for it to be valid. Household income is more of a measure of overall economic freedom of the population.

Comment Re:A Target is not a Stratagy (Score 2, Interesting) 268

Eh... there has to be government regulation too. I just had to pay thousands for a new AC system because the previous refrigerant from 20 years ago is completely banned at this point. The new stuff works just a good, it's just better for the environment. I would not have upgraded to a more eco-friendly system if I wasn't forced to because it's money I can't spend on other things now. Sometimes you have to force things via regulation.

Comment Re:Global boiling? Climate abyss? (Score 2) 268

Yup. It's beyond annoying when you actually dig and the biggest issue that ACTUALLY happens in the next 200 years is that sea levels rise causing economic issues. Like... that's not an unsolvable problem. I just don't understand why they don't outright SAY why people should be concerned... as a comparison, PETA is concerned about a lot of stuff that most people couldn't give two shits about, concern in itself is not enough of a reason for people to care.

Comment I have to agree, sadly (Score 5, Insightful) 139

Accounts from some of those conversations paint a disturbing picture, suggesting that many AI safety workers inside cutting-edge labs are concerned about perverse incentives driving decisionmaking by the executives who control their companies.

This right here is the right worry... for far too long, extremely intelligent people have handed over powerful means to moronic trust fund babies. The managers of public companies are not in a position to ethically or responsibly use this technology anymore. Just look at the history of how companies defended the use of toxic materials, cancer causing chemicals, lead in gas, all kinds of things. I trust AI will be fine, I don't trust the sleezeballs in charge of so many companies out there.

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