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Comment Quit whining - your doctor can prescribe epi (Score 2) 396

A 1 ml ampule of epinephrine costs about $5. An insulin syringe about 25 cents. That is enough for three normal epi-pen doses - more than enough for any emergency. Sensitive hikers carry this. Folks working around bees and wasps too. If your doctor won't prescribe it, find a doctor who will. Of course you will have to learn to break the top off the ampule and fill the syringe up, getting rid of little bubbles. The rest is the the same. The only reason epi-pens are an issue is because many, perhaps most people are accustomed to Big Pharma and insurance companies leading them to believe that they will take care of them, but only if they stop thinking for themselves.

Comment OK, so what do I do now (Score 2) 241

I have helped develop a low budget site using coldfusion, as an unpaid volunteer. There is a lot of M$SQL too. I'm neither a security expert or a Coldfusion expert. There are other developers who are more experienced, but there has never been a security audit. I would be interested in the tool(s) used in the study, to scan our site for security issues. Are those tools or similar tools easily available (remember - low budget).

Comment In a monastery (Score 2) 310

Was working on some avionics software. Decided to take a sabbatical for spiritual growth. Finished the software remotely. Its flying on many commercial aircraft now. Part of the work involved a shared memory analysis program to ensure that the many tasks behaved - written in VAX DCL. Fixed bugs in website scripts on a "smart" mp3 player.

Comment Re:TCAS? (Score 1) 148

Currently TCAS is an active aircraft detection system - it has to send out signals and get replies from other aircraft's transponders (Mode C or Mode S). Then it figures out where they are. It can figure out avoidance maneuvers, for itself, and coordinate those maneuvers with other TCAS equipped aircraft. It's very expensive and heavy. At one time there was talk about having TCAS passively listening to ADSB replies, containing accurate location information, from Mode S transponders on other aircraft. The FAA is actively pursuing making all transponders use ADSB by 2020. When that happens it will be possible to build a small receiver with the TCAS logic that can help the drone avoid collisions with ADSB broadcasting aircraft. The same kind of receiver can be built inexpensively for small aircraft owners. Small aircraft owners may resist having to buy a new transponder (broadcasting ADSB) for their planes, though.

Comment Re:They need to stop this fast... (Score 1) 295

I don't believe that any tritium needs to migrate out of the glowsticks or anything else where the tritium (hydrogen)is bound into a stable compound. Perhaps Lithium Hydride is stable enough, or perhaps some other compound. Calcium Hydroxide? There are probably 100s of stable minerals, containing hydrogen, exposed to the air that don't decompose to let go of the hydrogen.

Comment Re:Question (Score 1) 759

You are forgetting that code ages overtime. I think it has something to do with the proteins and atoms. That is why they have to make new versions.

Actually, it's telomeres, strings of non-coding characters at the ends of programs or parts of programs. Each time a program is used, but mostly when it is copied some of the non-coding characters are lost. That's fine until it's used up. Then actual code is lost and the software starts to misbehave. This process guarantees that software ages and dies, ensuring profits for the designers of future iterations. This process works so well that the original designers of biological forms on this planet used the same process, adding strings of non-coding DNA to the ends of chromosomes. The even called them telomeres. Molecular biologists are trying to add telomers to the shortening ends with something called telomerase. Microsoft is bribing and suing them to stop their work.

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