It seems to me that the more happy or optimistic a person is in their social network presence, the more troubled they seem to be IRL. Personally, when I'm happy, the last thing I think of doing is proving it to other people.
Just my two cents.
I read the title as 'rewiring the artistic brain' and I was like 'awesome, I can explain science to my hipster friends now' and then I was thoroughly disappointed
ThatGamerChick writes: "I'm a stay at home mom, but I'd like to be a work at home mom. I've done a few writing gigs, but I'm not a really good writer and cannot charge the fees needed for it to be worth my time. I'm just looking for something that I can teach myself in a few months and start taking small projects and working my way up from there.
I've found that PHP, HTML and CSS to be the most demanded skills on sites like Elance, but the talent pool is flooded with overseas workers and Americans with so much more experience than me. Even when I was offering writing and virtual admin services on Elance I was having a hard time against them.
So, I figured that I'd ask the good people at slashdot, because I think most of you may have a good insight on this type of thing as an employer of freelancers or as the freelancer themselves. Thanks in advance."
redletterdave writes: "Microsoft chairman and philanthropist Bill Gates pledged $750 million to the troubled global AIDS fund on Thursday and urged governments to continue their support to save lives. Since the fund was launched 10 years ago, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given $1.4 billion to the charity, having already contributed $650 million prior to the latest donation. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria accounts for around a quarter of international financing to fight HIV and AIDS, as well as the majority of funds to fight TB and malaria."
I wonder if consuming cayenne pepper beforehand will give the product a southwestern flair. Or if like... eating ginger and lemongrass will give it a pan-Asian spin.
Okay so when I first saw the title, I read it as "Surprise! Discovery In Earth's Upper Atmosphere" and thought the landing a couple of days ago was a hoax or something.