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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
i'm actually impressed  *Thursday April 02, 2009 @10:26AM  1
   attached to Conficker Worm D-Day Infection Not So Spectacular
Re:Bloody hell!  *Thursday April 02, 2009 @11:19AM  1
   attached to Is Alcohol Killing Our Planet?
No, I think English is great  *Tuesday March 31, 2009 @05:48PM 1 1
   attached to Shouldn't Every Developer Understand English?
What business model?  *Thursday March 26, 2009 @03:45PM  1
i dunno  *Thursday March 26, 2009 @03:09PM  2, Insightful
   attached to MIT To Make All Faculty Publications Open Access
Re:Caps  *Tuesday March 24, 2009 @04:44PM  1
   attached to New Service Aims To Replace Consoles With Cloud Gaming
Start off in a different direction  *Wednesday June 25, 2008 @10:52AM  1
   attached to Cutting-Edge AI Projects?

We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
